Tell the idiots

Jphyper's avatar
All of us who have played multiplayer have been teamed up with more than their share of noobs and fools. These people often have little idea of what they're doing. Since few people use microphones, we rarely have the opportunity to explain to them what they're doing wrong. What would you like to say to these people? What advice would you give?

My Advice:
-Getting the top score says nothing about your skill if you got there just by spamming explosives.
-It's called "Team Slayer/Deathmatch", not "Run Around Like a Chicken With its Head Cut Off Slayer/Deathmatch". If we don't stick together and work together, the other team will mop the floor with us.
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krausler's avatar
Kind of case and point of why I don't play online, or multiplayer, or whatever, as people either fall on those that take things too seriously or those that don't know how to press a button. Either way, is people getting in my way of having fun, or distracting myself. Actually, just distracting myself...
But anyway, in dealing with people that are just beign stupid, alienation is a powerful tool, if on a group where the majority feels the same way. Sure, I wouldn't put myself in that situation, but if I was in the Leroy Jenkins situation, I'd just let him get himself killed, the rest of us could wait, regroup and then try whatever the hell they were trying to do.
Jphyper's avatar
I generally have an even mix of good and bad ones. Maybe I'm just lucky.

And it can be difficult not to take things seriously when the other team has 49 kills and yours has only 6, especially if the other team consists of griefers and teabaggers. I think there should be a system that automatically detects teabagging and punishes them for their unsportsmanlike conduct.
TheAmberGhost's avatar
I kind of deal with it, after years playing WoW any sort of pvp is a crap shoot unless your in rated and then and only then you bother to pick up a ventrillo and get to chatting away, mostly tell people to git gud and etc etc.

Scrubs godda scrub.
Jphyper's avatar
I'm not familiar with WoW, and I never really got into any sort of PvP in any other MMOs.
CrimeRoyale's avatar
I have had some outright horror stories playing Resident Evil 5 online with randoms. I'm talking truly staggering stupidity.
Jphyper's avatar
CrimeRoyale's avatar
One of my old regular partners was this kid who's... kind of an amateur... he'd carry like 5 guns along with him, in a game where you only have 9 inventory slots. Christ, what did he bring that one time... He brought an M92F handgun, an Ithaca shotgun, the bolt action rifle, the H&K Machine gun, a grenade launcher, and the revolver. So already he's down to 3 item slots left. For whatever reason, he didn't have any armor, and never carried healing supplies, neither of which would bother me if he kept his slots open... but no, then he overloads it with shotgun ammo, handgun ammo, and rifle ammo.

So here he is, armed for WWIII, but he gets caught off guard (which he does often) and he needs healing supplies, then he gripes when he has to discard his ammo to make room. I tried explaining to him how it helps to take only 2-3 guns and keep some slots open... he just kinda responded to me like I was a lunatic.

I don't think he even upgraded his guns at all. It seems like he'd spend all his money on First Aid Sprays or guns he just wouldn't use.

My all time favorite story though, holy shit, get this...

So, we are doing the Jill fight. I think we had infinite ammo on, we're playing on Professional, so y'know, super quick bleed outs if you get downed and quick, hard to nail quicktime events. Keeping this in mind, we're trying to do the Jill fight but some of us aren't so hot at the QTE's, so we're dying a lot. Now a good strategy for fighting Jill is instead of trying to yank her device off, you shoot it instead. The fight is going well, but taking a while.
So then comes a point where I grab Jill and am holding her. My friend... pulls out a rocket launcher. I have a good laugh at this, and just nod like "okay har har, that's funny."
... He then AIMS it.
I just go "okay, this isn't funny anymore... switch to something else."
... then he fucking FIRES it.
Big explosion engulfs the screen. By the time I can see again, Jill has ran off to a corner, her device sparking like crazy. My partner is just standing there, and I've already died after being blown halfway across the level in the other direction.
It was funny, yes. But also remarkably dumb.

Ahhhh good times
Jphyper's avatar
That first one kinda reminds me of a match in Halo 4. One od my teammates grabbed the sniper rifle and the rocket launcher. Then he jumped in a tank. He got barely a quarter of the way across the map before getting blown up, having not even fired a single shot. It was one of the biggest wastes of resources I've ever seen in an online match. A lot of people hog power weapons, thinking it'll guarantee their success, when in fact, the strategies for using each are all contradictory. Jumping in a tank after doing so is just... why? You can't use your weapons in a tank. I can't even begin to comprehend the logic they used. It goes beyond greedy in a way I can't describe.

As for the second story... yeah, that's my brother and me playing together in a nutshell.
CrimeRoyale's avatar
... Why would you even... You NEVER need both a sniper rifle AND a rocket launcher.
Jphyper's avatar
That's what I say! To use both of them effectively at the same time, you have to be good enough to not need them in the first place. Or extremely lucky.
hydris's avatar
They might not have microphones, but they still have headphones/speakers and chat boxes. Most people I met actually use those.

I got nothing queued back to respond to the thread.
ElvishChozo's avatar
They won't learn if they have nerds with cheeto encrusted fingers and greasy hair typing in all caps to them angrily.
They should have a patient guide to actually TEACH them and walk them through things.
Jphyper's avatar
With no way to do that directly, it seems all I can do is play the best I can and hope they get the idea from watching me. That has actually worked once or twice, believe it or not.
SherbertTCat's avatar
You don't have to put up with shit like that in good old fashioned local co-op.
Jphyper's avatar
I rarely get to do that because I'm not outgoing enough to have anyone to do it with. Even online with the friends list, it seems like every time I do find someone to do it with, we might do a session or two if I'm lucky, but then I never see them playing that game ever again.
Eye-of-Kaiba's avatar
I'd remind them and everyone else that it's just a damn game, nothing to take so seriously that thinking ones rank or whatever in it matters at all. And can tell them thru text if needbe, I'd rather do that than use a mic. Problem is some games don't have an easy way for one to disable mic/voice chat entirely. No point in even having it on when most people use it just to spew swear words, insults, and/or threats instead of actually working together and encouraging teammates. I don't care what game it is, I don't need to hear a cocky loudmouth regardless if said loudmouth is 8 years old, 12 years old, 17, 21, 25, 33, or any other age. Also I'd advise in some games that it just comes to different playstyles, it doesn't mean that one style of playing sucks and another is better above all others. I remember month or so ago a friend of mine lost some interest in Team Fortress 2, or least in those servers for that one more where all fight this one boss character/player. He was just playing with another friend trying to have a good time and have fun, but nooo some asshole apparently had to keep insulting him for playing it free to play via steam, for not being all MLG pro BS, etc. I liked it back in battlefield 1942 days where it was just text chat between players.

Another advice would give is actually be polite and such when explain such things, it doesn't help matters when said 'explaination' comes in the form of a bitchy rant filled with swears, insults, etc.
Jphyper's avatar
I haven't had that problem. On the rare occasion that I do have someone with a mic, they've always been friendly.

Come to think of it, my real life is the same way. People tend to treat me kindly and respectfully even if they're a total dick to everyone else, and I have no idea why.
Eye-of-Kaiba's avatar
I haven't had much issue with that either the times Ive had to deal with voice chat on, or even with text based ones, it's easier then to tone it out as not actually hearing them rage or mock you. When it comes to most games tho I'm just fine with typing via text, even in shooters. One time I did team fortress 2 man vs machine mode with a different friend, and could hear this one kid now and then trying to tell everyone to do this one thing or another I forget what exactly. I just paid no attention to it, but I imagine it'd be different if it was someone was aiming crap at me. Honestly it'd affect me worse if I'm hearing my friends being the victims. Same thing when I think back to our school days, sure I hated some of the things done and/or said towards me, but what really got me was when they'd pick on you or certain others just for being my friend. And that couldn't do much if anything bout it.
Jphyper's avatar
I'm good at ignoring that. I'm also lucky in that my autism makes it hard to tell if they're serious or not, so I always assumed them to be joking.
Pakaku's avatar
You mean not sticking together isn't normal?
Jphyper's avatar
It is normal, and that's what so disappointing. Whenever there's a one-sided matchup, I can almost guarantee that I'll be on the losing side.
Pakaku's avatar
I thought every multiplayer was just deathmatch with an optional goal.
operaghost's avatar
Playing my fair share of  MMO's I have learned that most common nuisances are not the players, who do wrong, but players, who believe they never do anything wrong.