2d game design question for artist

borgmaster2's avatar
I want to develop a 2d game using robots and well animated graphics however the more i think about it the more i realize there is a problem.

the problem with my design vs the 2d artistic need is the fact that the robots can be customized. im asking the artists here if its reasonably possible to make an arm animation that would allow for a 2 handed weapon while being ascetically pleasing with a chest part that would not likely be designed with the particular arm part in mind?
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shininginthedarkness's avatar
You are months away from needing that question answered. Possibly years.

My thought would be that there's absolutely no reason to customize individual arms apart from the chest pieces. 'Upper torso', 'Weapon', and MAYBE 'Robo-Gauntlets' is ambitious enough for anyone.
borgmaster2's avatar
i would agree that im months away from this part but im writing down some documentation and im trying to prioritize and cut ideas that either wont work or are bad designs. cutting the design from arms and chest and into just upper torso though probably is a better design then separating the two.
Pakaku's avatar
You'd probably end up designing the separate parts, and then somehow stitch them together at the joints in your code.
borgmaster2's avatar
i realized that but the problem im seeing is that since it isnt using a unchangeable 2d sprite then there would be a problem with trying to get the sprite to look good in conjunction with the chest piece.
Pakaku's avatar
And that's why you design the two parts to look good when attached to each other.