Can't ME3 ending?

TheRaiderInside's avatar
So, I'm almost complete with Mass Effect 3. I've been playing for quite some time now....

-I have the EMS of 3100-3200

-Control option: Shepard sacrifices and is turned into a reaper, and controls all synthetic life; You never see Shepard again, but everyone and everything is safe.

-Synthesis option: Life is converted in to hybrids; Shepard sacrifices, everyone and everything is safe but everything is "synthesized".

-Destroy option: Shepard dies, EDI dies, reapers die, everyone else and everything is safe.

I DON'T want EDI to die, I don't want my shepard to die, and I definitely don't want my shepard to become a reaper! D'X

My shepard means so much to me... I can't let her die. I just can't....
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FlacidPenis's avatar
Actually, if you have 5000+ EMS, you can choose the Destroy option to keep Shepard alive.
Cenaris's avatar
Destroy is the only canon ending considering the point of Mass Effect's story is to destroy the reapers and the other endings are a slap in its face.

If you want to get technical, the "indoctrination" fan theory is much more compelling and better constructed than the real endings that I'm willing to believe Sheppard never leaves London, everything from there on is a hallucination where he is tested one final time by the Reapers and anything except Destroy is the Reapers finally taking control of Sheppard while Destroy is Sheppard finally breaking free of their hold.
neurotype-on-discord's avatar
Shepard becomes a legend, it's win. :O The synethesis option saves EDI, that's the most you'll get.
Pakaku's avatar
The game is over, you wouldn't see 'your shepard' when it ends anyways
TheRaiderInside's avatar
She would live if I had 4000+ EMS and I choose the destroy option...
Pakaku's avatar
I thought Shepard was a dude
TheRaiderInside's avatar
No, my shepard's a girl, just as me.
Pakaku's avatar
Yeah, just learned gender can be selected, having never played ME
TheRaiderInside's avatar
You should, it's addicting but sad at times... such as the emotionally manipulative music. D':
TheRedSnifit's avatar
You choose the gender at the beginning.
Pakaku's avatar
Ah. I've never played a Mass Effect game :dummy:
Eggheadcobra's avatar
Shepard's technically gonna die in all 3, anyways ^^;
Cenaris's avatar
Actually Sheppard survives if you've completed the right conditions before choosing to destroy.
TheRaiderInside's avatar
I know, I know. It's just that I've spent so much time on Terra and I can't give her up. :(
Eggheadcobra's avatar
Look at the bright side. She'll sacrifice herself to save an entire galaxy. That's a big accomplishment (:
TheRaiderInside's avatar
I guess you're right...
Eggheadcobra's avatar
I understand how much you've accomplished with her throughout the entire Mass Effect franchise, but Shepard was meant for this. Someday Shepard was going to make a big sacrifice in order to protect what he/she was fighting for. Shepard fought so much to protect the galaxy, and now has to answer the ultimate question that will determine the fate of the galaxy.