Hottest online sites to sell pornographic comics?

GlisteningRAS's avatar
Please introduce me at least one.  I'm going to sell my fetish and worship themed e-comic, with some mild bdsm actions. I see there're many, but I can't be sure which one could profit enough for me, and I don't want to put my comics together with some bloody cruel type of arts. My goal is to make at least 4k per issue( 20-25 pages) in the beginning 3 months. I have good stories and I make realistic style. Thanks for any suggestions.
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GlisteningRAS's avatar
Thank you everybody for your time. I'm sorry for the late reply. I  experienced a big difficulty this month... So less brain room for forum talks.
Jphyper's avatar
I found something that describes a number of them here:…
LizzyChrome's avatar
Man, I wish so bad I could link you to this hilariously disturbing "Voyager" comic I found. But I've been warned twice now about linking to porn on DA, and I am on REALLY thin ice here.

I'll say this: Go to Google Images, and type in "Voyager Anal." You'll see what I mean. 
GlisteningRAS's avatar
Well, I understand you about the helpless. :p Thank you.
PearOfDiscord's avatar
Honestly, you have enough art skill to make a comic to gain an audience without having to resort to attention just from the fetish itself. 

I do know a couple of general comic-hosting sites, if those could help:

ComicFury     Best for the community and reader interaction I think.
Smackjeeves    Biggest site, as far as I know.
GlisteningRAS's avatar
Thank you very much for the recognition and the helpful info. What I need is some amount of prompt payments. However I believe you will get profited from webcomic only after a very long period of free works.  I know fetishes possess the magic motivation of willing to pay...
ImperialNokhtis's avatar
Just remember if you resort to a pornz you can never ever let it down. So make it good and classy before you venture down to art hell.
GlisteningRAS's avatar
Many thanks to the encouraging words!   I think people sometimes are doomed to do somethings... No matter it's labor in art hell or art dump, I don't mind, as long as I can get enough income in my current stage.
weremole's avatar
I think that's putting way too many carts before the horse if you're not even sure how those sales should be carried out. Slipshine sounds like what you want, but they do not sell individual issues/chapters but rather they work by a subscription model.
GlisteningRAS's avatar
Don't worry. I do have some experiences of making gts fetish comics, but that's team work, I'm talking about indie ones of my own now. I'm actually investigating and comparing.
98CentWhatever's avatar

Not this site, CLEARLY
GlisteningRAS's avatar
Sure, I know it clearly...