American Comics or Japanese Comics ?

Maootaku's avatar
I just thought about this topic when I was watching Green Lantern and Captain America on FX .. as for me , of course I'm into Japanese comics .. and  about the American comics , tbh , I don't read DC or Marvels comics .. Im not into superheroes haha .. before , I just don't know why people liked it , but as I soon I watched the live adaptation of Avengers , I just got hooked up into it .. and now Im excited for the Avengers 2 ..

so how 'bout you ?

(sorry for my grammar)
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NebulaDreams's avatar
Por que no los dos?
I tend not to care for the region the medium's based in, as they both have their flaws. Aside from that, I guess I have a more personal connection with manga, as I've been into it since age 10 (Fushigi Yugi being the first one I got into). I only got into comics recently, but I'm loving both the mediums equally so far.
MysteryBandit's avatar
Though we have some awesome American comics (lookin at you Scott Pilgrim) Japanese comics have more variety most of the time and can be pretty interesting! Once you learn how to read them correctly of course.
RonenTheGamer's avatar
I like American comics better just because of the diverse amount of topics other than the superhero genre. A lot of comics are based on animated television shows, which I fancy.
ScouterV's avatar
I personally lean more towards American comics, but I'm mostly a Superhero fan. Even if it's not explicitly stated, I just like more action-oriented stories. It's why I did like series like Dragonball/DBZ and Shaman King, but also why my favorite series usually involve Superman.
de-SANTO's avatar
American comics not always about super powered being actually, they have some good titles too outside Superhero genre... :D
theBlackWolff's avatar
I'm not a comics person, but I will state my opinion regardless.

American generally has a larger range of targeted demographics. It's also, how can I put this?....Most stuff out of Japan is pretty perverted.

Japanese, however, has a much better looking artistic style than what we Americans can come up with. Anime/manga also usually has a wide variety of thematic content. It can be serious one moment, then gut-bustingly hilarious the next.
Xannijn's avatar
American comics, because of Image. They have some extremely awesome series!
ImperialNokhtis's avatar
Manga because anime iron man. Also they actually show expression, emotion, and movement which American comics are god damn terrible at.
i-stamp's avatar
American and English non-superhero comics. I've never seen a manga as intellectually challenging as, say, Transmetropolitain or as stylized as Hellboy or Sandman. 
Madbabylon's avatar
European comics is the answer
bok1997's avatar
Rainboopz's avatar
Honestly, (to me at least) it's whether or not it looks good.

First of all American comics are more than superhero comics, like the series Amulet, Smile, and Scott Pilgram. Both comic genres have a lot of cringy moments (too much expression, too little expression, anatomy destruction, saggy stories, etc.) However a lot of very cool styles or summaries that can draw the reader in with whatever interest readers are into these days. There are also many American and Japanese comics that are online too, and a lot don't deal with sappy love stories or superhero comics. So in the end I would say both, it's just you have to find the gems that are worthwhile to read and enjoy. ^w^
ImperialNokhtis's avatar
Scott Pilgrim is the only one I recognize....just want to point out it's Canadian.
Rainboopz's avatar
LizzyChrome's avatar
American comics seem pretty limited to superheroes (with some exceptions), so I tend to lean towards manga. 

That said, at least two of my favorite comic series are American made-- "Maus" and "The Crow." And "Sin City" is very much on my to-read list, and I think that's an American one too. So I guess I just proved myself wrong. 
Hethalos's avatar
It's hard to generalize since both have their own highs and lows.
puritea's avatar
Japanese! ^_^
safirediaz's avatar
Japanese comics (manga) have better storylines, research and more art done on it generally. I like the way they draw the manga faces.
puritea's avatar
Exactly :) 
I love their story lines. Even if it may be all cliche, I still love the turnout and the mangas overall ^-^
remainsalone's avatar
I don't really like American comics due to artstyle and the difficulty in getting into Superhero comic and stuff.
CrispyLettuce's avatar
I like both, but I generally dislike superhero comics. It's mostly the art style that turns me off. There have been plenty of other non-superhero Western comics that I've enjoyed though.
angelxxuan's avatar
I rarely read comics, they don't interest me much, the ones that do I'll leaf threw them at the store.  I prefer Japanese comic over American, mostly because I like the art style and interesting paths they can (freely) take the plot.
Memmil's avatar
Well, American comics have more variety in styles. Manga, to me, seem to be mostly the same everywhere. Haven't read a lot of manga mostly because the series are so long. I gotta read something like Dragon Ball at some point...