Anyone know a good space manga/comic?

oromis95's avatar
I'm looking for a comic or manga that has a good storyline and that is ambiented in space. Sort of like Mass Effect, but it doesn't have to be. Something about everyday life in space where the civilization has evolved and permitted space colonies, commerce, and even alien cooperation.
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oromis95's avatar
Also it's not a problem if the comic is in any of these languages: italian, spanish, french, english.
Motion-Music's avatar
I write Dan's Voyage, its very close to what you are describing here.


I get what you are looking for, there arent many franchises about lots of species and worlds living and working together... Star Wars... Mass Effect... people could claim that Star Trek follows this pattern, but it doesnt... Star Trek is pretty feeble when it comes to inter-species interaction and commerce.
oromis95's avatar
I agree totally, I like all 3 series, but I enjoy the first two a LOT more. I'll give it a look, thanks!
Motion-Music's avatar
In general I think that people call it "space opera" but there isnt really a word for the type of... interstellar society fiction... that is sooooo lacking.

Like... I love things like x-com, and deadspace... .but an alien invasion, with no possible peaceful resolution, it just doesnt have a lot of potential?  Like take the fallout series for example,it owuld be nowhere near as awesome without the different tribals, and mutant types like Ghouls and Supermutants living alongside humanity.

The more races,  cultures, planets, and EVERYTHING a franchise has the bigger it is and the more stories can be told...

This is part of why Halo 4 pissed me off (and whatthey seem to be trying to fix with the comics, books, and everything else) the covenant is the enemy again? NO > : [ the covenant should have dispanded and formed like several smaller factions, with many covenant species forming their own pacts, and humans and covenant species working together. There could be like, a planet where brutes and humans and skirmishers formed a new alliance. Or Jackal pirates that use Drones and needler tech.

Instead they just re-hashed the covenant and it felt no different... it was... sad and pathetic feeling :(

So when Istarted writing Dan's voyage for ScottaHemi here I put a lot of effort into keeping the universe open enough to have species comein, and interact with humanity, and to have different cultures... and a lot of stuff.
oromis95's avatar
I'd recommend lowering the size of your comic though since it isn't detailed, it's taking a long time to load :-/ Thanks for the answer!
Motion-Music's avatar

good idea,but then I would have to go back through and re-upload all the pages >_ >
oromis95's avatar
Well for the next ones then :)
CrimeRoyale's avatar
The Dead Space tie-ins are really good for giving a glimpse of what life in space could be like.

- Dead Space (the first comic published for the franchise; showing the fall of the Aegis VII mining colony)
- Dead Space: Catalyst (The second novel, chronicles life on a residential and industrial space colony)
oromis95's avatar
Thanks for the answer, I played the dead space games, but I was looking for something casual that wouldn't depress me to death, something that I could read every day. Don't things usually end up with everyone being dead in Dead Space?
CrimeRoyale's avatar
That's the thing with Dead Space: If you look past the horror, the world around it is FASCINATING. Like, if you can, pick up the artbook for it. They discuss the design and architecture of the ships and colonies, the functionality, the many purposes... just the pages describing the planet cracking process alone are incredibly interesting.

Even if horror isn't your thing at all, the science fiction alone is worth investing in Dead Space.
sketchbeetle's avatar
I don't have specific recommendations but why not go to online comic/manga reading sites and browse the "space" or "scifi" sections?
oromis95's avatar
I did and didn't find anything at all that had these simple requirements.