Fantasy writing

carusmm's avatar
Fantasy is just something pathetic to keep children happy.
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pawi666's avatar
fantasy helps us to expand our imaginations.
carusmm's avatar
Plato comes up in times like these. Personally poetry of any sort is healthy.
ragnaice's avatar
Some fantasy is not for children at all...
carusmm's avatar
I agree, the Bible is not fit for children.
neurotype-on-discord's avatar
Everyone is a child at heart.
carusmm's avatar
Some more than others.
neurotype-on-discord's avatar
Those are the only people who know how to have fun.
carusmm's avatar
You're probably right.
weremole's avatar
Everything that isn't a dry documentation of facts is to some degree fantasy. The best works of fiction actually ascribes mythic qualities to common objects and occurences as a way to deliver on theme.
carusmm's avatar
A good point. I will take it onboard.
El-and-Noxi's avatar
Fantasy is keeping us sane.
El-and-Noxi's avatar
Of course. We are bind with the rules and expectations of the society. The only freedom is in fantasy. And if there hadn't been fantasy there would be no visionaries, no progress, even no philosophy. ;)
Focusing on the fantasy in books (since this is ''books & comics'' segment)... as great author said: ''Some questions are too big and can't be face elsewhere then in children/fantasy books.''
carusmm's avatar
"The only freedom is in fantasy." I deny this.
El-and-Noxi's avatar
Fantasy = ''made up'' = a product of your mind
Denial = decision made on the consideration of pros and cons = a product of your mind
Your denial = Fantasy ---> You can only be as free as your mind.

Do not argue with a woman? :D
carusmm's avatar
Yes, madam, "man is freedom" but a child is not free.