Not new at all but starting to use DA forums 【French girl here !】

AngeKrystaleen's avatar
(Coucou si des Français passent par là !)

Hello guys and nice to meet you ! =D

Of course, according to my DA Stats, I'm not new at all and I know how to use DA.

But I want to start using forums a lot more from now :meow:
I hope I'll can meet new Deviants, maybe make new friends, and share more things than using my page only.

I'm French so please, forgive me for my english, I know that I don't write correctly ^^; That why I use forums only now, I have LOTS of difficulties to speak with english people. But well... I'll try and improve ! :XD:

I love manga anime, colorfull and shinies things, video games... Drawing is also my fulltime job !

I have a little popularity on DA and I love use it to help other Deviants to get more noticed. When I was a beginner here, I would have liked that more popular Deviant help me. I didn't have this chance, but I want offer it now, because I can !
So feel free to ask me if you want a little help to be featured, I won't bite ;)

I don't know what to write more soooo... If you have any question, please, feel free to ask :la:
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TheVerdantHare's avatar
Hi and welcome to the forums!
I hope you had/have a great day today c: Looking forward to anything cool?
omop's avatar
S-S-Salut! (I`m not french,but I have a french name)
I`m learning french for less a week and I learned a handful.
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
Hello ! French is a bit hard to learn but don't give up ;)
omop's avatar
locky-sama's avatar
Salut!:3 je suis une française qui passée par la donc j'en profite pour te dire que j'adore (beaucoup beaucoup ) tes dessins , comment tu colo tes perso ?(les pailletes)parce-que chaque fois que je regarde tes dessins ça fait comme si y avait quelque chose qui fesait *pouf* comme une explosion de couleur et ça qui rend tes dessins superbe! *A*
( j'espère que ce que j'ai écrit est compréhensible parce-que c'est dur de mettre en forme ce que tes dessins me font quand je les voient !:3) ^.w.^~voilà c'était une française qui passée par la ~
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
Coucou et merci beaucoup =)

Bah, je sais pas précisément, je colo comme ça me vient x'D J'ai toujours aimé les trucs colorés et brillant alors mon style est allé naturellement dans ce sens x) Après à force de dessiner j'ai trouvé les techniques de colo et voilà !
locky-sama's avatar
Je vois XD comme je débute dans le digi j'ai pas encore de technique spéciale donc j'essaye d'analyser plein de technique différentes pour m'en inspirer XD
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
C'est ce que je fais aussi =D Et si tu bloques, trouver un tuto qui correspond à ce que tu veux peut être très utile =D
locky-sama's avatar
j'avais pas pensée aux tuto X3
myumorph's avatar
Nice to meet you, I am mexican and I get what you are saying... for us non fluent english speakers conversations are way more difficult to follow!

It's amazing deviantART lets us meet great people from other countries, though :ahoy:
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
Nice to meet you too =D

I'm agree ^^
myumorph's avatar

How long have you been around?
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
I'm on DA for 9 years =)
myumorph's avatar
WOW, congratulations :ahoy:
jasudraws's avatar
Hi! If you're still in need of dA buddies I volunteer :3 I know a teeeny tiny bit French but not enough to hold a convo (enough to read very simple comics which I'm glad I can do bc many of my fave artists are French ahah). Your English is great, don't worry about it! I'm from Finland myself and I'm a professional illustrator. I mostly only know illustrators from the states where I studied so it'd be great to get to know more European artists. I'm a year older than you, most people who post here are in their early teens so I feel weird messaging them so I was happy to see you're not a bazillion years younger than me oTL 

Your art is so colorful sparkly and pretty *v* I see you like pokemon <3 Also I really love those lil mushrooms and crystals you have on your page. My page is all....boring, non-core and unedited :'D
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
Hello and nice to meet you =D

It's a little hard to discuss when our first langage is not english ahah :XD: Also french is not easy to learn, so few strangers people use it ! 
I don't really know Finland but it seem to be a country where it's good to live. 

Thanks for your kinds words !
I took a look on your gallery too and you have a beautiful and cute style :love:
kathe-cat's avatar
Salut!!je suis aussi française!^^je suis contente j'ai l'impression que sur déviant art il n' y a pas beaucoup de français mais comme je viens juste d' arriver....dites moi ça vous a pris quand l'envie de dessiner ??? ^^
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
Oh si il y en a pas mal =)

Oulà, je dessine depuis trèèèès longtemps, pas loin de 10 ans ^^
kathe-cat's avatar
Ah ouais!vous avez quelle âge?
J' en ai à peine croisé perso des français...^^" je suis peut être pas assez connu pour dire.
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
26 après demain :XD:

Faut aussi chercher un peu sur le site et tout =)
kathe-cat's avatar
Oh excuse moi.alors on a 10 ans d'écart!^^
Fieros's avatar
Bonjour! J'mappelle Mikel!...that's about my knowledge of french, you are really good at speaking English though...*squints* "Is that a French accent I hear?"
AngeKrystaleen's avatar
Bonjour Mikel =)

Ah ah thanks ^^
Fieros's avatar
You are very Welcomez!