What are some of the best places to advertise for commissions?

sarabathroomaround's avatar
Hello! This is my first time giving DA a real shot. I've had an account before, but it sat unused for so long that I forgot the password. I have been uploading years worth of my art over the past two days though, so I've got plenty of examples of my work.

I want to start taking in commissions, but I really don't know where to go to advertise for it. So far I've gone here, put up some stuff on my tumblr, and made a thread in my rat forum (if any of them wants rat drawings)
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3wyl's avatar
Welcome to the forums!

You can go to the Projects Forum if you want points for your commissions, or the Job Services if you want money/currency. :D   
sarabathroomaround's avatar
Thank you! I will go look into those. Are their any places outside of DA that have good communities?
3wyl's avatar
I can't say I know of those. :O