What is fat shaming?

Pix3M's avatar
The discussions here are getting confusing because nobody agrees what fat shaming is or isn't.

For the purpose of the thread, there are no wrong answers. I will not disagree with your responses. What do you think fat shaming is, and what it isn't?
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FluffyKyubey42's avatar
I think fat shaming is bullying or insulting someone for being fat or slightly overweight and devaluing someone because of their weight, whether it's genetic or not. What fat shaming is NOT is suggesting they lose weight to be healthier.
silverwraithh's avatar
it's shaming people for being fat
kngru's avatar
So many people want to move the line based on their own feelings and beliefs.
kappaprince's avatar
only if someone is being actually bullied for their weight and it is merely genetics.
telling someone to lose weight, telling how being fat leads to health problems, or people liking thin people is not fat-shaming.
end of story.
(btw, was this inspired by retro's thread about irl women not being like his "precious animu uwu"? i'm curious.)
Pix3M's avatar
Inspired by somebody totally different. They know who they are
kappaprince's avatar
oh ok
that thread was hilarious though, just proves that retro is deluded.
BeautifullySpooky's avatar
fat sham·ing
  1. 1
    the action or practice of humiliating someone judged to be fat or overweight by making mocking or critical comments about their size.
    ( nice I cant unblockquote on my ipad ) 

    People get things mixed up

    It is fat shaming when:
    -You mock some ones weight for fun or harrassment.
    -harsh, unnecessary critiques about their weight that isn't related to health concerns. 
    -basically being a jack ass about their weight when they dont deserve it.

    It isnt fat shaming when:
    -People stating the fact fatness leads to health problems.
    -When people prefer thin over fat. ( preferences are a thing. ) 
    -When a large person acts up and puts down others weight, they get told off on their own weight by being called "fatty/land whale" 

An-Pseudonymous's avatar
The 3rd one in "it isn't when" is contradicting the 2nd one in "it is when" but I agree, I think your explanation is pretty correct.
BeautifullySpooky's avatar
I guess its confusing, but I see it as if you're going to be a dick about some ones weight, prepare your ass to be shamed back. I've had people from different weights shame me. I might need to reword things buf its late. :yawn: 
An-Pseudonymous's avatar
I understand, I had the same happen to me in a different context
Pix3M's avatar
This makes it a lot easier to make heads and tails of the drama that went on with you. Thanks
BeautifullySpooky's avatar
Just giving a response to your OP. 
L-Tine's avatar
It's rolling them down hills.
Uber-Dan's avatar
It's putting down people for their weight.  Some people seem to love stretching that meaning though.
deviant-garde's avatar
I think it's when you harass people about their weight because you think it's morally right of you to do so, being that these people are unhealthy/indulgent/some other thing you think is a character flaw. I think there are a lot of dumbfucks who think that simply calling another person fat is "fat shaming" but in reality, they're just asshurt that someone is talking shit about them and can't think of a good comeback so they just vacantly claim you're a "fat shamer".