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PurpleStarsInTheDark's avatar
Please vote on my latest poll in my profile, I think it's very important to know what others think. You don't have to if you don't want to but I'd like to see what people's opinions are. Thank you in advance if you do vote on my poll. 😊
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IridescentCatalyst's avatar
I mean, it's more appropriate than hugging a stranger. I think it's fine as long as it's short and sweet and you're not doing it at the wrong time.
CrispyLettuce's avatar
In most cases, it's probably fine. Especially if it's a friend who's the same sex as you. If you were doing it a lot though, I could see it becoming a nuisance to other people.
Day--V's avatar
Fullmetal-Rampaige's avatar
I'd say it's inappropriate but it depends on what you do for a living, where you hug them (outside or the break room, that kind of thing.), etc.

If you work with customers, it's definitely inappropriate to hug your coworker in front of them.  If you do it in the break room or whatever and it's a quick hug, I would imagine it's fine.  It also depends on your other coworkers and how stuck up they are.
Ariarin's avatar
The answer is: It depends. Different jobs have different kinds of environments.
Zagittorch's avatar
This one: xxcuteemofluffballxx.deviantar… ?
I need a lot more context than that. What's the work place? Do you work together? Why are you hugging, and when?
Shawnlabomb's avatar
Okay. What will I get in return?