
TheSlenderSon's avatar

There is something that I am not legally allowed to talk about. However, it was a very traumatic experience, so I developed an anxiety disorder. I take medicine and I am doing a lot better. A lot of my former "friends" noticed that I changed and they were worried, but got butt hurt when I could not tell them what was wrong. I had one friend who stayed with me. She seriously lives with me now but never talks to me. She has even started to bully me and my girlfriend. Yes, okay, now you're wondering how can someone be lonely with a girlfriend who lives with them--but I am. She does not go to school with me, and when I am away from her I get really lonely. She feels like my only friend. At school, I have multiple hours where I just sit alone. It must be creepy seeing me just look around because I hate technology. I use it at home, for a small amount of time to read stories, write stuff and try to make friends. I can't make friends in the real world so I come to the online one. I know it is pathetic, but I am desperate. I love this community, love the stories, but I am at my rope's end. I lose my muse when I have no one to read my stories, or when I feel like I am the only one who cares about what I write. And furthermore, I just hate doing anything when I feel like a waste of space.

Share your story here. I guess, I want this thread to be a place where we can make friends. Thank you for reading.

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N7Lancelot's avatar
Shouldn't this... be in the help with life forum perhaps? You might attract the wrong crowd here. 
TheSlenderSon's avatar
Oh, I'm sorry. I did not know there was a "help with life" forum. Can you send me a link to the page?