Share Your Ghetto Recipes!

DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
I don't think I have any worthy ones to share with you but I do like to chop up gerkin pickles and put them in my sandwich.  Or drop a few eggs, mix them and put them in my ramen.  And give nice, steamy details. :drool:
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wolfpride1011's avatar
toast with avacado and maybe some pepper its amazing an taste like heaven
DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
Ooo.  Sounds yummy.  Thanks for sharing. :D
MariahRossArt's avatar
warm flower tortilla with butter and sugar, also can do butter and salt, depending on what mood you're in lol!
DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
Ooo.  That sounds interesting.  Thanks for sharing. :D
secondJax's avatar
Step 1: Get some cooked rice and put that white fcker in one of em bowls.
Step 2: Some scrambled eggs, either microwave'd or fry pan'd.
Step 3: Grab handful of ghetto cheese from da store and heat for 13 seconds no less no more.
Step 4: Mix dem sweet ingredients together into one hot, steamy, cheesy, yummy rice that will satisfy your need of food and protein for a good while. Don't forget some pepper and a lil bit o salt to season that ambrosia of da gods.
ElementLeithium's avatar
Making cereal:

Pour in some ice in a bowl.
Add water.
ElementLeithium's avatar
Yeah, water. You can add milk as a substitute if you'd like. :)
blockbro's avatar
Just throwing together baked beans, elbow noodles, and cut up hot dogs with strawberries and other berries afterwards is a meal with everything you need in a meal. Have a cup of water, too.
pinguino's avatar
Back when I was starvingartistmode, I'd dump egg and frozen veggies in my beef ramen. I would cook the creamy chicken, empty the soup out, and add some cheddar.

I also liked putting ranch doritos in my tuna sandwhiches. The extra spices and crunch made it exciting.

Ranch dressing + short grain white rice was a comfort food when I was a vegetarian trying to live in Texas.

My mom used to make yakisoba (from packets) with cabbage and hot dogs when my dad got laid off.

Now if I'm feeling broke I just make chili from scratch, or some bone broth chicken soup.
Awesomeponies3's avatar
Eggs + Corn and Diced Potatoes with Onions:
1 or 2 grade A eggs
(I had the diced potatoes and onions in a bag already diced)
1 can of corn
1: You turn on your skillet to 400- 425° and let it heat up
2: You put a small amount of oil on the skillet and then put the potatoes and onions in
3: You cook them until they turn golden brown
4: After that, you put the cooked potatoes and onions in a bowl and add corn (I used canned corn)
5. Season your potatoes, onions, and corn to your liking
6: Cook your eggs, then pile your potato onion and corn mix and add your egg on top
7: Enjoy!
Astarsia's avatar
Penutbutter with nutella on bread. I can't eat a lot of bread, but when i do this is my biggest guilty pleasure - asside from stealing my son's hundreds and thousands cookies.. 

But for an actual guilty dinner.. sausages cooked up, cut up and mixed through continental packet chicken rice. No need to give the recipe,the packet does that for you. It's terribly delicious, if you like savory. :chew:
FoxxyButtonz's avatar
:star: Peanut Butter and Cheese Chocolate Marshmallow Cheetos with Nutella Dip

Basically, just gather all the junk food in the house and gather it into a bowl and get fat. I did it. Never looking back!

*Died of diabetes 1 week after posting this comment* :tombstone:

P.S. Watch Netflix while eating this stuff or you'll get diarrhea
PurpleRainGirl's avatar
If you're into sneaking vegetables into a meal without tasting them, I made a delicious dinner last night even my vegetable hating boyfriend loved!

I cut up some onions and cucumber really small, included the outer skin of the cucumber because you wanna keep all those vitamins, and I put them in a frying pan with a little bit of butter, then added some cream of chicken, a little milk, and a tiny bit of alfredo sauce to be adventurous but I wanted to hide the taste of veggies really well. I flavored with basil (good for your digestion and really tasty!), and a little bit of salt, made into a creamy sauce, where you can see the veggies but they're softer from being in the pan.

Then I took some veggie pasta (you don't taste veggies, but they're cute and colorful!), boiled it and threw it into the frying pan and let the sauce cover and coat the pasta.
I had chicken patties because I don't have a new grill yet to make grilled chicken but anything like chicken strips, chicken cutlets will do. Frozen, I heated them up, then chopped them up and threw em into the frying pan. All things I got for $3 or less each at the store. Al mixed together were very hearty, can take less than 30 minutes if you're faster than me. I'm all over the place when I cook!

And I had some green beans on the side, the only veggie I know he likes!

Very cheap meal, can make multiples of it for under $10. you can do the same with any kind of pasta (like ramen!), any vegetable (I usually add tomato or peppers but I know that would not have gone over well. baby steps!) and any kind of soup flavoring you like.
WakorJones's avatar
Grilled Cheese Sticks:

  • Butter
  • Sliced Bread
  • Cheese slices
  • Skillet/Pan

  1. Heat your pan/skillet till it's p hot. I do 400 degrees on a skillet and about mid-level for a pan. 
  2. Take as many slices of bread you want (one per stick) and completely flatten them. I use a rolling pin, but your hands/a flat object works just fine!
  3. Butter one side of each slice. 
  4. Stick a slice of cheese on each buttered side, then roll them up so the cheese is on the inside.
  5. Melt some butter in your pan/skillet, enough to saute the sticks. Make sure the butter is hot enough to sizzle!
  6. Put the rolled breadsticks on the butter and let them toast. Turn them around often so all the sides get crispy!
  7. When they're done (usually all the butter is burned/evaporated/absorbed by then), pluck them out with a fork or spatula and throw them on a plate.
  8. Voila! You can do whatever you want with them now. Enjoy!
DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
That sounds sexy!  Thank you!
Cethlenn's avatar
Pasta + Kraft cream cheese was one of the only things I ate as a kid. I'm pretty good at cooking now though.
DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
That sounds good and deadly. XD  Do you have an improved part of that recipe too? :D
Cethlenn's avatar
silent-ebb's avatar
Make some Kraft Mac and cheese, then sprinkle crushed chips on top of it. I prefer sour cream and cheddar flavor for the chips.
Peanut butter on hot dogs with or without a bun.
I don't know if this is getto, but the best bacon is cooked with a George Forman Grill.
DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
Ooo.  That first one sounds sexy. ;D
trajayjay's avatar
Crack an egg in a microwave safe bowl, stir it up, and put it in the microwave for 40 seconds. Take it out and stir it. The residual heat SHOULD continue the cooking process.
DJ-Uni-Mekaju's avatar
trajayjay's avatar
Well, put in salt, pepper, onions, cheese, whatev you want?