Temporary Job Help?

RatchetJak's avatar
I finally got my first real job at Walmart but the catch is that it's a temporary job for the store re-model. It's only going to last till about July 3rd-4th. The job is definitely straining and I don't enjoy it but I decided to try and work the whole time until the remodel is over but I'm curious.

When I continue to look for another job, should I bother listing my temporary remodel job on my resume even though I only worked there for 6 weeks? Would it make a difference when I try to apply to other places?

Thanks in advance!
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mrkillzo's avatar
temporary work doesn't look bad.  (getting fired and such looks bad. ^^;)

just let the next potential employer know that the remodel job got finished.   

and walmart would probably hire you again for something else later on. no worries.  you'd be first to know.  

i'd consider asking management about other job opportunities inside the store so you have something after. 
RatchetJak's avatar
I suppose so but truth be told, I really do want to work somewhere else after the remodel lol
mrkillzo's avatar
walmart sucks. i get it.  i work there right now too.  run away as fast as you can, my child. run away. 


anyway,  i did cart pushing for them for 2 years, and not i'm finally going on to cake decorating. they badly cut my hours though. i'll talk to them later about that though. 
RatchetJak's avatar
Hahaha yes xD I'll probably start job hunting again after my 4th or 5th week at Walmart so I can have some more experience.

Well, I hope you get more hours. :nod:
neraksel's avatar
When you did a good job, mention it on your resumé, allong with the reason it was only six weeks, so they don't think you      A) Were a bad employee   B) Quit everything you're bored with.
CrispyLettuce's avatar
As long as you're applying to another similar job (retail, fast food, whatever) then definitely.
RatchetJak's avatar
Considering it's my first job, I'm going to be looking for another retail job, hopefully in a clothing store because I don't think I can manage to work in another big box store right now lol
CrispyLettuce's avatar
I'm sure that'll be good to add it then.

Oh, I worked in a clothing store once. It was a really big one, but it was nice, because you could either work completely in the background (and not have to talk to customers) or you could purely be a salesperson. Whatever suited your personality. :D

Good luck with your temp job and eventually your next one too!
RatchetJak's avatar
Awesome to hear. :nod: Yeah, this temp job is literally tiring me out with all the walking, lifting, bending, and standing I have to do but I'm hoping I adjust. Because my cut off date is July 3rd so hopefully I can survive just one more month of this lol
CrispyLettuce's avatar
It's easier when you have a end date to look forward to, I'm sure you can do it. :)
RatchetJak's avatar
Keeping fingers crossed lol
hopeira9's avatar
I would say you should. Many places WILL question you about large periods of time that you weren't working.
RatchetJak's avatar
Oh I'm sure they would. Though I wonder what they'd think if the applicant said they kept looking but had no luck because that was my situation until I got this job.
xkeroppi's avatar
Depends on the job youre applying to. Your resume should be tweaked to be relevant to whatever youre applying to. So if you apply for a job in education, design, etc, you shouldnt list your walmart job as its irrelevent. But if its for another department store job, then definitely list it. hope that helps
RatchetJak's avatar
Well, the next job I'm going to try to go for is a mall clothing job so would it be relevant for clothing retail stores?
xkeroppi's avatar
Yes for sure! good luck!
nosugarjustanger's avatar
Why not? Put it into your resume - at least it makes you look like you're doing something instead of nothing. 

Once you have many other jobs in the future, you can choose to omit those temp jobs if they do not add value to your resume. 
RatchetJak's avatar
AnimeChildhoodFan's avatar
Definitely should: any real life experience at doing any job is a good thing for future employers-- it shows experience.
RatchetJak's avatar
Alrighty. I was just a little iffy since I'm hearing Walmart has a reputation ^^;
AnimeChildhoodFan's avatar
Any experience helps, albeit the reputation it has is not unwarranted.
RatchetJak's avatar
I wonder why though? The one I work for right now doesn't seem that bad lol