What is good about you?

MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
What is something good about you? What do you like about yourself?

I like my heart and the fact I am a good person.
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REIdepenguin's avatar
I like the fact that I always have something to draw and that when I really care about something I give it a lot of effort
radiumlowi's avatar
Draw frequently and  improving my grades, need to keep my mind clear and working smooth :)
Who say that entertainment and education cannot co-exist?
Grades significantly improved after some fun
MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
Neiot's avatar
In spite of my less than obvious (but still significant) flaws, I don't have a crippling hatred towards people that affect my social life.  I am actually considerate of others and I judge people based on how they treat myself and others (and their pets or cars) rather than on what language they speak or what colour their skin is.  Fine, stereotypes exist, but I don't constantly remind them of that.  I am also generous -- I like giving people things for the hell of it.
MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
That makes you a good person.
jacobreece888's avatar
Also I'm immune to the cold
jacobreece888's avatar
Also I'm always right.
jacobreece888's avatar
I am unbelievably sexy.
Mortalitasi's avatar
everything, I'm perfect.
humloch's avatar
Cute, cuddly, sweet, good sense of humor, lovable, talented, nice hair
DavidAnimated's avatar
I like that try to treat people with the same respect I'd like to be treated with. 
MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
I think that is great. :)
DavidAnimated's avatar
Thanks! It sometimes comes back to bite me but I won't change.
MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
Welcome. You just know in the end you are a good person.
ReThinkable's avatar
Not sure if I already posted here...

I like that my I.Q. is well above average (141) and that I'm willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. 
MelTheMemeQueen's avatar
I am not sure if you have. :)

Those are great traits. :)
ReThinkable's avatar
I'm too tired to go through all those pages, so let's just say I haven't. :giggle:

Thank you. c: