Lost in translation

Ichinzen's avatar
I'm looking for a decent online translator that give the option or show the alphabet your translating from as well as the language alphabet your translating to an example

Death = Shi or 死 in japanese as translated by google (hopefully correct) however i need a more competant translator than  google since it couldn't translate certain words such as devastator among others which other more competent translators could. Unfortunately those more competent translate only show it in whatever jap alphabet it show whether it was kanji, katakana, or hirogana and had no option to show the result in other alphabets (like latin which is the most used alphabet.) Note that latin is used in languages such as english german and many others (even some japs use it because it's definitely easier to write than their own written languages from appearances). Seriously they got at least a distinct character or several if what i've heard is right for quite a few words.
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bakka's avatar
have you tried google?
Ichinzen's avatar
read what i told lady xythis
bakka's avatar
have you tried bing?
Ichinzen's avatar
bing isn't as good as google i doubt any well known search engine can do the very specific search i need when i look for translators to suite me i need it so it shows the given alphabet of the word used to be translated REGARDLESS of the language's native alphabet translate it into a different word as well as the have the native language. They should tell you which version of the language they're translating too since some races of multiple  native tongues like japanese and chinese (japanese have 3 that i know of and know of 2 for native languages for chinese mandarin being one of them but i forgot the name). Come to think of it just about every asian country has more than one native language (well the countries i can think of unless korea isn't part of asia).
Let me guess... this is so you can put all kinds of japanese characters on your account and on facebook instead of actually learning the language the hard way. Amiright?
Ichinzen's avatar
no i just want to try and learn bits and pieces for something besides many non latin alphabets have the outdated idea of having one symbol stand for two sounds (which japanese does) not to mention i wouldn't be able to tell between kana katakana or hirogana words, hence the reason for my distress. Ever hear of the phrase "it's all chinese to me"? Well it's pretty much the thing when deal with japanese and since they somewhat identical.. plus japanese doesn't but spaces in between words and i actually only need specific words albeit they are few translated for a project it'll set me back months to attempt to learn the language not to mention my debit card is on the fritz again. i do not have facebook or any social network account except myspace but i only did that cuz imeem merged with them. 1/2 the songs i listened to didn't make the cut and i quit dealing with myspace a few weeks after the merge completed. Mostly vg music was what i listened to.
Ichinzen's avatar
already tried that method xyth but because of 180 mil supposed results and the first 5 pages of translators making the same mistake makes me believe the average intelligence of ppl making or possible intelligence of these individual is a negative iq. I google before i ask these question and if the first 5 pages don't turn up what im looking for for something generic, (or first page doesn't have something when exactly specified like english dub or fansub vids) i give up searching and ask around. All the translators ive  been too expect you to be able to read the results in their native alphabet. Google translate gives you latin as well as native alphabet, however it still lacks in some areas such as translation.

Devastate is longer in japanese than devastation. Since a word like devastator which should be in the japanese language wasn't translate it means either devastate is longer in japanese than devastation or google translate mixed the words up. Without a second translator to correlate results there's no way for me to know if google translation is correct.
Lady-Xythis's avatar
Don't care. Do your own work.
Ichinzen's avatar
it's entirely possible there is a site some1 here knows of that google doesn't if not i will look through results but trying to do specific searches for something as generic as a translator is harder than you think especially when google itself can make mistakes like a picture in a video only result ironic and unlikely but not impossible. and yes it did happen i actually should've taken a screenshot of it but figured i wouldn't need to.
bakka's avatar
Go to sleep woman! its clearly past your bedtime.
Lady-Xythis's avatar
Sleep? What is this thing called sleep?
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Fuyuko7's avatar
I use this site for translating Japanese words www.tanoshiijapanese.com/dicti…
Ichinzen's avatar
im not looking for definition but an english to japanese word conversion that shows the equivalent word in both meaning and definition in latin alphabet. You gave me the same thing i just complained about! Those translators seem to expect that the search can already read and write both languages, or one of the two languages and only have vocal knowledge of the other. To clarify this point a fictional example a speak read and write english but can't write japanese only speak it so id have to use a translator for the written form of japanese. But as any1 with any brains would know learning how to speak a language means you'll also learn the written form of it and not half ass it by only learning to speak it. thus this reason for not using making translator show both alphabets in the results in the translator is invalid. It's also invalid if you already able to read and write both languages like they seem to expect you to since if you knew that much why bother with a simple translator use a dictionary if you didn't know the meaning.