Computers are pretty shit

badeyedeers's avatar
Remember when rock stars used to kick holes in TV's?

I mean TV wasn't that bad all in all but I liked the sentiment.
For once in this millenium can't we have some anti-social media culture. Like people can throw computers out of windows and shut down their online lives.
Some kids can get drunk and tell the judges of X factor they are ridiculous old perverted fossils who get off on criticising young children.

I'd really like to see the emergence of a rebellious culture in this dull age.
Even like a re-hash of grunge would be okay.

Come on fuckers. Do something interesting.
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simplykit19's avatar
I would but thatd prove nothing and would look like we just want attention so... :shrug:

anyways computers are awesome! download porn! yey!La la la la 
EpicPieFace's avatar
If you think they're shit, what are you doing complaining about them on one? Come on fucker. Do something interesting.
badeyedeers's avatar
Look. I could smash my own computer but it would cause very little public attention but maybe I can convince a larger group to smash a whole bunch of them.
adondevas's avatar
I saw in the facebook these times many north-americans celebrating the "veteran's day" and it was a little weird; I didn't even know there was such a thing , and it looks like chrismas or something; everybody thanking the veterans for their "services" ( like killing people and supporting fascist/ religious dictatorships in asia, central-america and the middle east is some kind of service to anyone be grateful).
adondevas's avatar
The occupy thing just ended ; The internet was a tool to the left since the beggining (the anti-globalization  movement in the 90's and early 2000) ;

Technology has nothing to do with conformity; In one side new ways to be " rebel" are created, manipulated , and repression comes in many forms; After the revolution, there is always a reaction .
badeyedeers's avatar
skulkey's avatar
i like social media because it allows me an outlet to be subversive. :meow:
badeyedeers's avatar
I can't argue with that
skulkey's avatar
heck, this journal entry is subversive. :D
Chromattix's avatar
People rebel when there's something to rebel against. In spite of all the complaining about "what the world has come to these days" from across the board of all generations - the truth of the matter is that life is better now than it ever was. Living standards are higher, life expectancies are longer. Computers, phones, TV's, cars that don't suck and all that stuff are no longer "just for the wealthy" and kids especially have it easier now with a whole world of information at their fingertips (no borrowing books from the library for their school projects, I'm sure my generation was the last one to ever do that when growing up) Racism is down, homophobia is down, acceptance and tolerance are up, at least in the developed world anyway. So what exactly is there to rebel against? Right now is the closest to paradise the human race has ever gotten to, I mean, we're not having the living shit bombed or plagued out of us right now, that's a luxury many past generations didn't have. I feel like people romanticize the past and forget the awful shit that triggered a lot of these movements in the first place. People only change their mindset when things aren't working out the way they want to, so if people aren't changing then clearly nothing particularly bad is bothering them.
badeyedeers's avatar
That's true on many levels.

But it's not like there's nothing to protest about. Conservative governments increasing global policing, censorship and limiting free speech. NSA monitoring everyone and policing of the internet. Drones becoming dominant as frighteningly unbeatable enforcement officers around the world. The involvement of Western nations in a whole lot of ideological wars which many people don't want to be involved in. Not to mention strange waves of youth depression, teenage suicide. The seeming lifelessness of modern life, living vicariously through art whilst most peoples lives being reduced to nothing more than sitting in offices on computers. The rise and rise of fundamentalist religion.

We may well be satiated in a temporarily happy present, but let's not forget that nothing much has improved in what you've advocated as positive change since the 1990's. This was the peak of multi-cultural ideas, the Berlin wall coming down, national policies of outwardness around the globe. Since 2000 many of these progressive things have been in decline, conservatism and right wing ideologies spreading around Europe and the world.

Dissatisfaction is a good tool of change. Complacency breeds decline. So if you want to appreciate all the progress in the world, don't do it by feeling like you're too priviledged to be dissatisfied. Continue the struggle and dissatisfcation that brought the changes that you so hold dear.

The most imperitave thing for continued positive change is that humanity needs to be able to imagine a future. I don't see much actual imagining in this regard going on. People would prefer to imagine the futures of alternate realities. But why is this? Aside from a mild idea of exploring space, passion for the future has waned.
Chromattix's avatar
So the 1990's was as great as I remember it then :plotting: People did seem a lot happier back then, though I was only a child at the time (turned 12 in 2000) so I really only remember the mid to late half of it. I pinned the overall good vibe I get from hearing the decade's name from a mix of nostalgia and childhood naivety. But if what you say is right, then maybe the 90's was significantly more than just a time of good TV, good games, good music and good friends. I think 2000 changed a lot of people. People started being all "new age" because of the whole "we're in a new millineum" thing and it seemed 90's culture was dropped like a hot potato on January 1st 2000...But then again, I was still 12 then, so my world view barely went any further than my home and family life at the time. But then a year later you had 9/11 and just this overall change in westerner's mentality about the world and themselves after that too (It may had been an American tragedy, but it got people all around the world re-thinking a lot of things I think, even way down here in Australia it sparked a lot of controversial changes in people and things) Something tells me that the blame might be the subconscious disappointment people had with the world after 2000. Before that we had such cool visions for what the world might be like by now. I must admit when I was a kid in the 90's I was hoping that by 2014 we'd be living in more of a "Back to the Future" kind of world. When really it remains largely un-changed, only now every man and his dog spends all day looking at a phone...Not exactly the kind of future I was hoping for :p

Maybe people just gave up on dreams for the future in the sense that past generations had. It was easy to believe we'd all be driving flying cars and living in world peace by now for those around in the 1950's. But the more we learn, the more we realize just how far-fetched the ideal future seems. Humans and technology are too flawed, and developing too slowly. People have caught on now and even I by this point have given up on seeing anything really spectacular happening in the future other than a world not too different from now, only with more phones :psychotic: I'm not entirely complacent with the world as it is now. There's a lot of things I'd change if I could, but these changes aren't exactly life-threatening if they weren't happening, they're more "wants" rather than "needs" :hmm:
badeyedeers's avatar
Yeah you nailed it.

Wow. You're young. Six years younger than me, but I see things pretty similar in regards to the 90's, 2000, the millenium and the post 911 world. Also in Australia btw.
Chromattix's avatar
Hehe, people say I'm ahead of my age sometimes ;) Not bad for someone who was a pretty dimwitted teenager. Guess I did all my growing up at once =p
PricklyFossil's avatar
Rock stars are losers. Republicans are better.
nosugarjustanger's avatar
I stopped watching TV such a long time ago, so meh to this rebellion.

You fight your own battles, yo. 
Phantom-Horse's avatar
Everything on TV now a days fucking sucks. I turn to instant video or Netflix now XD
nosugarjustanger's avatar
I just use YouTube.. it has most of what I need. ;)
badeyedeers's avatar
I'm just trying to feed the insurrection. One man against the internet is no simple quest. But at least Jennifer Lawrence and Kim Kardashian's ass are on my side.
nosugarjustanger's avatar
I am glad for you that they are. :nod:
UnknownSingularity's avatar
You need to move to the Middle East or Africa, over there people don't have internet and are all the time organizing rebellions :)
badeyedeers's avatar
Hurr durr. America is the best place in the world because im ignorant and never been to anywhere else except the internet and I believe what fox news and the government tell me about other countries. Why don't you go back to idiot