You wake up one day...

CourageoftheMagi's avatar
You wake up one day, and you see that your now a Smurf, a true honest for good Smurf...  Well now your in quite a bit of trouble aren't you?
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StellarPaint's avatar
i'd fight for laws of sumpreme smurf race and kill everyone untill smurfs were the last things alive and take over the vile humans technology and wage war on the universe.
II-edison-II's avatar
I'm blue something something something ~
pantherwarrior370's avatar
Conquer the world of rats and become their supreme overlord. *mwahahahahahahahahah*
Bawzon's avatar
Im be a freaking star!! A living smurf can u imagine!
Heavier-Lobster's avatar
What smurf would I be? 
CourageoftheMagi's avatar
What's your most expressive emotion?  That is your name!
Heavier-Lobster's avatar
Mildly annoyed Smurf?
CourageoftheMagi's avatar
...How about Hopeful Smurf?  
BrokenAisling's avatar
I would start searching for a mushroom to make a house out of
Epictofulord's avatar
I'm blue da bu dee bu da dai
CourageoftheMagi's avatar
yeah im blue for god's sake
fricken blue??
Kinola14's avatar
I would just be horribly confused.
Loriele's avatar
I'll just sing the smurf song and all will come out well :lol:
Winter-Wisp's avatar
id be like cool its time to dominate the world
monstermaster13's avatar
Does that make the Walken a Smurfpire now?