Something you've never done

Veelore's avatar
What's something that's very common but you've ever done before?

Me: I've never seen Star Wars
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Aitheos's avatar
Never done any drugs - even marijuana and it's legal here. :shrug:
Xoirh's avatar
I have never seen The Matrix.
VelvetFish's avatar
I have never had a relationship for longer than 2 months.
Ficklestix's avatar
1. Never owned a dog
2. Never been on a date
3. Never done drugs, that includes marijuana
4. Never smoked
5. Never been to Antarctica
CrimzonLogic's avatar
I've never been on a roller coaster, never drank vodka/whiskey/tequila/etc., never went to a concert, never smoked cigarettes or mary jane, and never had sex. I am not living, according to some people. :bucktooth:
NicoleDaney's avatar
I haven't seen Star Wars as well! xD It just doesn't spark my interest.

Other thing it's that I have never kissed, while my generation started kissing when 13/14...
JackGraham's avatar
I've never seen Schindler's List
AutumnPocky's avatar
I've never driven a car :ashamed:
Veelore's avatar
I just recently learned how to drive, it's nothing special really :hmm:
skyhndx's avatar
I've never ridden a motorcycle even though my brother wanted to let me have his. When I told him I thought women were better anatomically suited to truly a appreciate a Harley he took the offer back. :shrug:
Veelore's avatar
Motorbikes are cool :D And that's very mean of him
skyhndx's avatar
Yeah they're cool but I've heard enough cautionary tales from a co-worker who's taken plenty of spills on her own machine to scare me to death about riding one. :hmm:
Veelore's avatar
Everything has the potential to be dangerous, you can't lock yourself up indoors just because life's risky!!
skyhndx's avatar're talking to someone who's worked in law enforcement and seen donor-cycle victim's bodies strewn across the open highway. There's risk and then there's incentive.
Everlasting90's avatar
I've never been anywhere outside the U.S. :(
Blood-Marked-Wolf's avatar
I've never seen the Titanic, driven a car, done drugs, had a hangover (regardless of how much I drink) or smoked. Oh, and I've never had a kid, it seems to be the new 'in' around here...
mylastel's avatar
Deep see diving, car-driving, traveling abroad.. these are few of them. :meow:
ForestOfFreedom's avatar
I've never eaten catfood while doing situps in front of the shower in summer and spring
Veelore's avatar
I don't know about you, but that's not very common where I come from
Cosmic--Chaos's avatar
-I never left my home country (but I wish I could travel the entire world)
-I never went sky-diving
-I never had sex
-I never saw the Kony 2012 video
-I have never smoked marijuana, nor have I done any other illegal drugs
-I never smoked cigarettes (they're nasty)
-I never learned how to ride a bike properly (I keep falling over)
-I have never dyed my hair.
McChi's avatar
I've never had a kid, but it seems like it's all the craze with people I know.
Veelore's avatar
Haha I don't see the appeal with kids
McChi's avatar
I don't see the appeal ether, they sometimes can be cute but by 5 years old they are devil spans.
Veelore's avatar
Not to mention poop-machines :hmm: