Ask An Albino Anything!

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metalhartrockandroll's avatar
Alright, here are some questions:

1: Why is your hood white? Most ninja wear black to blend into the night. Do you live in a snowy area?
2: If I were to eat your heart would I gain your powers?
3: You don't look like any of the albinos I've ever seen.
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metalhartrockandroll's avatar
I still don't know why your hood is white. Is it related to your albinism or is it just how people dress where you live?

Also, I have definitely met albinos with visibly red eyes. That's normal, it's explained easily. I've definitely seen that in real life.
FalseShepherd's avatar
Where can I get my own Albino?

Preferably smaller than 5,7" and red eyes are a must. Other than that they need to be bi-polar, or able to become.
Lilibodett's avatar
Do you come from Prussia? Prussia was known for albinos.
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Lilibodett's avatar
Cool! I never chatted with someone from the middle east before! :D
Qihah's avatar
they're white. too white.
and albino's in africa get killed to make charms or something like that.
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FalseShepherd's avatar
It's silly, really. And the most of them believe one person pointing it out most of the's a real shame. :(
MisterTurtle's avatar
Ticks suck blood. Do you suck blood?
I'm not a tick, so no, but I do have this tendency to suck the souls of people around me.
DrTrueBlue's avatar
DrTrueBlue's avatar
D'you like working for :dev: ? :XD:

Do you glow in the dark?
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DrTrueBlue's avatar
Yay! And it's a pleasure to have you around. :D

I didn't mean to advertise I just thought it was an weird/amusing question to ask! ^^

saxeh's avatar
I always thought you albinos are a negative vampires.
Nothing to ask , just to add that there is an opposite of albinism , melanism [link]
Penhuin's avatar
I suffer from severe albinism and reading through these comments it's come to my attention that you find having this disease (yes, disease) "fun". In my lifetime I've already suffered from a form of skin cancer, received second degree sunburns bad enough to scar me. I've also been the target of racism from my peers (of all races including my own). My eyesight is terrible, blinding me in the left eye and also leaving me 85% color blind. My digestion is poor, sometimes even the simplest touch will cause me pain. I rarely go out in the sun (I live in Nevada and staying out of the sun is very difficult). Most people can't even look me in the eye.

Despite the extra attention (positive or not) why do YOU like it because honestly, I'd rather be like my people. I'm Cherokee and I want to look Cherokee.

I'm not saying I hate having this, seeing how it's not the worst possible thing I could have but it's not enjoyable in my world.
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Penhuin's avatar
Amazing how cultural differences affect how we see things. My people are tolerable of my albinism, my great grandmother thinks I was touched by the spirits and was made this way for some unknown reason. My name itself is White Buffalo. Unlike you albinism doesn't run in my family so I had to deal with it alone.
KooboriSapphire's avatar
Lemme rephrase:

Whats so fun about being albino?
Penhuin's avatar
Nothing. I have albinism and it's a curse to me.
KooboriSapphire's avatar
What makes it a curse?
Penhuin's avatar
I'm blind in my left eye, 85% colorblind. I've already suffered through skin cancer and I've gotten scars from sunburns. I'm also Native American so I stand out from my people a lot. The racism towards me has been horrible, especially when I was a teenager. It hasn't been an enjoyable experience for me and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.