just say something

kiomaru1's avatar
too lazy to think of something, so just say something random =x
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saints-fan-12's avatar
Tequila for everyone!
Nicholai-nii's avatar
I. Am. SPIDER-MAN. :stare:


ARTificialphanTOM's avatar
X=y+(1/y^2)*x^3. Please solve.
KoutaTheCreator's avatar
Sentient tap dancing nachos farting ontop of yugioh cards while sliding down melting giant igloos!! :nuu:
kiomaru1's avatar
WAIT.......is that even possible ?
kiomaru1's avatar
lol if you say so
you sure have an interesting life XD
you make me thing of sponge bob , like whathever he want to do , he does it , even if sometimes is impossibble =x
KoutaTheCreator's avatar
:iconcoolplz: Thanks.

:iconpinheadlarryplz: Well you know what they say, if you dream it, you can do it. And if you read books and drink water, you'll be just like me.
kiomaru1's avatar
Well i guess i ll never be like you since i hate reading books lol
but what you said is really true, it s all about dreaming!
KoutaTheCreator's avatar
Yeah that's the spirit! :w00t:
kiomaru1's avatar
well you just did =X
kiomaru1's avatar
what does it mean ?
zacharyp99's avatar
There, happy now?
kiomaru1's avatar
something like ?
zacharyp99's avatar
You said, "Just say something"
So, I just said what you asked. Something.
kiomaru1's avatar
yea i know but something like what ?