Chase me.

MentalPatient612a-x1's avatar
If I were carrying a sack full of money would you chase me?
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chaosvolt's avatar
Tempting, but I'd much rather let a good old thrown rock do the chasing for me.
I would just shout "thief" and pretend to be breathing heavily.
deVere's avatar
Not unless it was mine...
RobStrand's avatar
Nah, if I remember correctly we robbed it together.
CaptainVonJr's avatar
As long as it's not Monopoly money.
Solum-Ipsum's avatar
:iconpedobearplz: Sack full of LOLI.
Civyx's avatar
krissygalaxis's avatar
Yes. Premium Rush style.
B-gata's avatar
I probably wouldn't realize it's suspicious or unusual until you were already gone.
Bullet-Magnet's avatar
Does the sack have "SWAG" written on it?
bliekya's avatar
I'd give chase for the heck of it. :shrug:
smokin9mirrors's avatar
No. I'd seduce you. 
PhantasmaStriker's avatar
Nope, I don't want to be an accomplice to some sorta crime you've might of done regarding your sack of cash.
Iriastar's avatar
NatalieBee's avatar
No, I don't like running, so most likely I'd just frown and curse at your behind your back :c
WizardOfUnseen's avatar
Yup, and dump your body in a deep lake or river with a stone tied around your neck.
Unknownmarksman115's avatar
Depends how much money you have and what currency.
ARTificialphanTOM's avatar
No, I think I would always run away from you.
SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
I would keep my distance and shoot you and take the money.I would take enough care not to chase you at close range, since it could be a set up. It depends also what currency you are carrying and the amount. It is a mess to chop and hide a corpse for a bunch of coins. :iconevilgrinplz:
WorldWar-Tori's avatar
Jade-Abarai-Kat's avatar
I would send out my hound dogs and after they bite off your ankels be like ---> [link]
gdpr-22514181's avatar
:iconsaysplz: Sure! And I'd eat you too.