Worst jokes/pick up lines

Mystory557's avatar
Anyone have any bad jokes to share? I've been hearing a lot lately so I was just wondering what are some lame ones you have heard?

Some of mine are along the lines of..


What does a wicked chicken lay?
Deviled eggs.
What do you call someone with no body and no nose?
Nobody knows.
When I found out my toaster wasn't waterproof, I was shocked.
Can February March? No but April May..
Why did the skeleton go to the restaurant? To get spare ribs.

Pick up lines.
Hey baby I got my ion you.
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
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saxeh's avatar
What had 40 teeth and can hold the incredible hulk , my zipper .
skyhndx's avatar
"Live around here much? .....do you?"
13datura31's avatar
''My wife has the same purse" use that one on The Broken.
WorldWar-Tori's avatar
"Do the carpets match the drapes?"... :|
Vanhir's avatar
Are you from Heaven? Because I've got an erection.
Nice shoes, they'd look better in my pants.
Those pants must be from space because I want in them.
Do you come here often? I do, often in my pants.
pringlesaddict99's avatar
Your eyes are so blue... I can almost see tunas in them!
LisaReyOfHope's avatar
I've seen several joke threads and all were flamed as not a good idea in the forums. Have no idea why. Maybe deviants don't like to laugh?
VelvetFish's avatar
Are you a pie-maker? Because you made my banana cream.
malphigus's avatar
"Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!"

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

:lmao: loooll xD
GigaPipen1407's avatar
Bad Thanksgiving jokes:

Q: What do you call a sad cranberry?
A: A blueberry

Q: Why did the turkey sit on the axe?
A: To "hatchet"

And here's some (good) band jokes for those of you who are in band:

Q: How many flute players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Only one, but they'll spend several thousand dollars on a solid silver one

Q: How many percussionists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: None, they have a machine to do that now.

Q: What's the difference between a percussionist and a drum machine?
A: With the drum machine, you only have to punch in the information once.

Q: How do you fix a broken tuba?
A: With a tuba glue!

Q: How can you tell that a trombonist's kid is on the playground?
A: They can't swing, and they always complain about the slide.

Q: What's the difference between a good trumpet player and a good French horn player?
A: The trumpet player thinks he's a gift from God, but the French horn player knows it.
Cup-of-Javo's avatar
"Is your father a baker? Because you've got a nice set of buns!"
"Somebody call the cops because it's got to be illegal to look this good."

Actually, any pick-up line is seriously the worst.

The worst "joke" I've heard had to be one made up by my brother when he was like, five or some stupid shit.

"What do you get when an elephant sits on the roof of your house? A smashed idiot! :lol:"

My brother's an idiot.
Jun-Himekawa's avatar
Pick-Up line: "Smell ya later"

Seriously, this pick-up line just doesn't make any sense. -_-
KSXZT's avatar
Plus, it makes you sound like Will Smith in The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air - not good at all.
DJ0Hybrid's avatar
*Slaps rear.*
"Hey handsome, I haven't seen you around here."

Not said to a chick, not said by a gay guy. High school was weird for me, especially my freshman year.
IncandescentInsanity's avatar
That joke that compares a dick to a key and a vagina to a lock. That's literally the worst and you are a bad person if you believe it
Jun-Himekawa's avatar
1) Knock, knock.
2) Who's there?
1) Banana. Knock, knock.
2) Who's there?
1) Banana. Knock, knock.
2) Who's there?
1) Banana. Knock, Knock.
2) *annoyed* Who's there?
1) Orange.
2) * relieved* Orange who?
1) "Orange" you glad I didn't say "banana"?
2) *walks away, annoyed*

I really hate this joke. -_-
NordicGreenEyedWolf's avatar
Two tomatoes started to cross the road. One of them was hit by a car and the other tomato said:
-C'mon ketchup let's go.

Pick-up line:
Why hello there biscuit why are you standing here while crumbling?
A guy said that to my sister when she was out XD
KSXZT's avatar
I hope your sister decked him.
NordicGreenEyedWolf's avatar
She and the bartender got a really good laugh out of it XD
It sounds a lot more funnier in Swedish than it does in English.
JeweledScarab's avatar
Do dead baby jokes count as bad jokes? Because those are really the only jokes I remember.
KSXZT's avatar
What do you call a dead baby hanging from the end of a train? A miscarriage!

*Shame overload* I... I... I... Sorry.