world's most beautiful language?

b1ackskies's avatar
not what you want to learn necessarily but which do you think is the most beautiful sounding.

I'm gunna go with russian.
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fluffy-maple-vodka's avatar
Jeis's avatar
metalhartrockandroll's avatar
Body language. I know that's a sort of a crappy answer, but I love communicating without words. You can transcend language and let people know things that you might not be able to with just words.
ILoveBigCats's avatar
French is a beautiful language <3 sadly not so much when I speak it...
rustyironmonger's avatar
For me, it's Irish Gaelic, closely followed by Scottish Gaelic. Very nice sound to the words, with a great accent.
Jak-the-Lombax's avatar
I really like Danish and Korean.
ScribbleBees's avatar
I think that Korean sounds just wonderful. Something about the prosodic pattern of it makes me happy.

Additionally, I really love the Busan dialect, but I wouldn't say that it's beautiful. Just, there are remnants of an old tonal system in it that make it really interesting to listen to, and I find it fascinating from a linguistic standpoint considering how it differs from the standard. I would really love to learn that dialect just so I could study its inner workings, ahaha.
eperlekvar's avatar
anything but german...

hungarian is the best
El-and-Noxi's avatar
Tolkien's Elvish
Dozymare's avatar
German or Hungarian x
Neqael's avatar
strangely enough, Welsh
b1ackskies's avatar
Merlok1's avatar
jadecharm's avatar
n3t sp3ak.
I want to go with French or Russian in all seriousness.
anwaarsaleh's avatar
I'd have to say 'Japanese' :)
b1ackskies's avatar
I think the japanese culture is beautiful but I don't really find anything special about their language.
nosedivve's avatar
Italiano und Deutsch. :la:
SaiyanGirl-KT's avatar
Italian and Japanese!!!
Missleepify's avatar
I love how French sounds, but I hate the way it's written. I also love how Arabic is written but don't really like how it sounds...
German can be pretty sweet, and Russian, and Japanese. My father says he don't think it's a coincidence that ever language I like have been involved in some huge fucking war :stare:
b1ackskies's avatar
I think french looks pretty written. :shrug: arabic looks like some kid scribbled it.
Missleepify's avatar
It confuses me because it's impossible to pronounce :stare: Arabic looks all wavy and pretty :la: