What does your parents think of your hobbie?

Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
Tell me what does your parents think about your drawings, photos or other your hobbies. :- )
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artisticDARIA's avatar
They don't know. If they did they'd say that it's a waste of time, blah blah, and to be serious about my future :bored:
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
Hmm, you have a very beautiful things in your gallery, I don't think they can call it a waste of time :shrug:
:- )
artisticDARIA's avatar
well, if it doesn't help me survive then it must be useless :)
TheArtLone's avatar
My parents were very proud, because my grandma used to send my art to TV shows for kids about the age of 3. She told me I used to win many prizes. Grandma keeps all what I have given her, and my mom shares FB albums of my art with her colleagues. They aren't worried about my career choice, since they think I'm eligible for a job in the film industry. They are proud of how I do in school and hope to gather for a scholarship for one of the best film academies, but they trust I could even get it on my own by enterring all those art contests we have here and winning them. They know that I haven't found a match in art in my country and they believe, if I gather enough time, nobody in the world could go against me. I think I am improving in everything thanks to their attitude towards me. They had feared for one period for my success, but I made a back-up plan for my education.
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
Wow, you're one of the few whose parents give such a support of their child's hobby! It's a really good luck! :)
TheArtLone's avatar
I feel blessed too! But I am so stubborn that even if they didn't support me, I'd do what I like.
Spudfuzz's avatar
My parents hated it. I have been arting since I was like, 4 years old. My mother used to do creative projects with me as a kid like make a fishtank with paper fish but once I got to about 10 she started harping at me that I should grow out of "kindergarten" drawings and stop showing them to her for criticism. When I turned 14 it got worse, they'd confiscate all my art supplies and force me to spend most of my free drawing time with the family because art isn't a legitimate career. I ended up getting kicked out and here I am now in my own private rental still making art, shitting all over their views.
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
Yeah, unfortunately such an attitude is not uncommon, as I know from other answers.
But your drawings are so nice and I'm sure that many people like them! :- )
sTiViA's avatar
They were very supportive :) especially my mom. <3
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
And that is wonderfull! :)
Btw, I should say that your drawings are really great!
sTiViA's avatar
TemariAtaje's avatar
My mom likes quite a few of my photos and she even bought me a new expensive camera
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
Wow! Cool..And what type of camera do you have? (If it's not a secret :3)
I'd like to buy my first camera but can't choose which one ._.
TemariAtaje's avatar
Its a Nikon P510
0rg's avatar
My parents don't understand nor appreciate video games, but at least they don't think they're used to worship Satan.

God, I'm glad I don't have that type of family.
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
And that's good! haha~
ThatxAwesomexPerson's avatar
Both my parents are very supportive of my hoppies. They feel that I should do something that I enjoy for the rest of my life then anything else :D My dad even trys watching anime with me, he's so picky with what he likes though :P My mom loves watching me draw and loves it when I give her some jewelery I have made :)
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
Wow, you have a really big support!
And what anime have you watched with your dad? :)
ThatxAwesomexPerson's avatar
The Macross series, older Gundam series, and he enjoyed .Hack :D He likes the older animes the most :)
SimplyLemie's avatar
I don't have much hobbies... but my mother loves that I work with jewelries since she has had that hobby too.
Though my parents weren't as thrilled when I started to show interests in larping... ^^;
Julia-Kisteneva's avatar
Wow, you have such an interesting hobby! you're the first person here who work with jewelries :- )
SimplyLemie's avatar
I do? haha... I hadn't realized that. It's just fun to do. The jewelries is extra fun because I've actually made some money out of it, and even if it's just a hobby, one can never complain if people like it enough to pay for it.
Goodnight-Melbourne's avatar
I've many hobbies like photography, painting, making things, writing, learning languages - but my parents know that I only paint. And my dad thinks I've no extracurricular activity :P But I don't mind much... If someday my hobby takes me to some platform, they all will get to know and will be amazed probably. If.