Requesting Sketches of Action Poses

iamversatility's avatar
I am only looking for rough sketches really. To be honest as long as their weapon stands out thats the only true detail I need to see their fighting styles. I don't really need them to be detailed out as long as their weapon is stands out I can tell who and what they are doing.

Action PosesRanged Division
Allison Koch:
Standing Aim: She stands holding the gun tight to her shoulder to accurately shoot bursts at her enemy.
Standing Hip-fire: She stands holding the gun at her hip shooting the whole magazine at her enemy providing cover fire.
Crouching: She crouches holding the gun tight to her shoulder to accurately shoot bursts at her enemy.
Laying: She Lays on the ground holding the gun tight to her shoulder to accurately shoot bursts at her enemy.
Gun Barrage:

Caitlyn Stoner:
Standing Aim: She stands holding the gun tight to her shoulder to accurately shoot bursts at her enemy.
Standing Hip-fire: She stands holding the gun at her hip shooting the whole magazine at her enemy providing cover fire.
Crouching: She crouches holding the gun tight to her shoulder to accurately shoot bursts at her enemy.
Laying: She Lays on the ground holding the gun tight to her shoulder to accurately shoot bursts at her enemy.
Gun Barrage:
Gretta Remington:
Standing Aim:
Mechanized: The SeriesHeroes
    Ranged Division:
        Allison Koch:
        Caitlyn Stoner:

       Gretta Remington:
       Katheryn Heckler:
       Paige Raytheon:
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