Cats and food

catpizza88's avatar
Cat and Pizza - Brown tabby cat - will pay 300 points
Cat and Cheeseburger - Calico cat - will pay 350 points
Cat and Taco - Ginger cat- will pay 400 points

Not much, I know, but I don't need these points and I love cats and food items so, hey why not? 

All styles welcome. 
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colormymemory's avatar
2015 Commission Sheet: Character Art by ColorMyMemory  I have kitty commissions open!
SirenAnimations's avatar
catpizza88's avatar
Which one would you prefer? 
SirenAnimations's avatar
Its hard to choose, they are all pretty cats! Pick one for me!
catpizza88's avatar
Cheeseburger/Calico kitty?? 
SirenAnimations's avatar
Yes! That sounds awesome!
catpizza88's avatar
Do you want the points before you start? 
SirenAnimations's avatar
You can either do all the points now or do half now and half after, whichever you prefer! I'll add you to my list once I get points. Can you note me the info too? Also would you prefer a chibi cat style or a regular semi-realistic style or a cartoon style?
catpizza88's avatar
Yes this is a multi-fill.