Writers with free time?

DubleDz's avatar
I have a story and just need someone to hear them out and help me come up with a good story line. The story is full of action, suspense, drama, and other things a good anime concept should have. If you would like to help, please send me your skype id or email in a note. 
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Motion-Music's avatar
will you be drawing it, and is it pornographic?
DubleDz's avatar
I personally will not be drawing it and it's not pornographic at all.
Motion-Music's avatar
so what are you thinking about doin?
DubleDz's avatar
Well i wanted to get the story down solid then im looking into animation
Motion-Music's avatar
so what kind of story are you looking to make, genres?

(dont give japanese genres that only describe the type of protagonist or idea just give real genres like science fiction, fantasy, or science fantasy, or drama, or horror okay)
DubleDz's avatar
its angelic-themed fiction