Free requests? Art or writing (<1,500 words)

AduroDawg's avatar
I need some practice, and I can't think of anything to practice on. I'd rather do chibis than anything, but I can do just about anything requested. If it's something I can't do or that I'd rather not, I'll say so.
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AduroDawg's avatar
Alright looks good! I'll look more into it as soon as break ends because once it does I'll be getting back to drawing more. I'll send something your way when I do finish the drawing.
Dlkx93's avatar
Kian-ref by Dianakit12
My OC Kian? o3o
AduroDawg's avatar
Alright looks good! I'll look more into it as soon as break ends because once it does I'll be getting back to drawing more. I'll send something your way when I do finish the drawing.