Looking for new help with my Mario Project.

trevoor's avatar
Hello everyone! I've been working on a Mario Based Card game for several months now and with the help of a lot of great friends and incredible artists my first 'Series' of cards are just about done! But with this also means I will need new talent to help me with the next series of cards (Based on Super Mario bros.2/Super Mario Bros. USA/Doki Doki Pani) so if you are in any way interested in helping me out it would be greatly appreciated! All types of art and styles are welcome and even sought after to help give this game style. Also, important to note, we will not be enacting any due dates, so don't feel nervous if it takes a while for you to create something, we would be more than happy than to wait. Thank you again even for your consideration by clicking on this topic! :D
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Sir-Knite's avatar
trevoor's avatar
Wonderful! How much do you think you can do to help?
Sir-Knite's avatar
I can draw things.
trevoor's avatar
Heh, that's great, but how many works do you think you can provide, and what are your preferences?