praise your pets

DiamondTank's avatar
:D Yeah your pets, like dogs, cats, or what pet you have... ok I'm done. :|
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EggNogtheEgghead's avatar
My gerbils, Whisper and Snowflame. They are so cute with their little whiskers an twitchy noses. They love running up and down peoples arms, but they love chewing empty paper rolls, they just attack it as soon as they see it.
c-o-s-m-i-i-c's avatar
Praise my cats Kirby, French Fry, Sugar, Tiny, and my new puppy, Rufus!
LizzyChrome's avatar
I'm in the process of getting a new apartment, that will allow me to have a cat. I can't wait!
DiamondTank's avatar
British-Prophetess's avatar
I've got two cats and they never fail to entertain me everyday ^^
Shawnlabomb's avatar
This isn't my pet nor is it my video but I feel the need to share it with you guys due to how funny/cute it is.:D (Big Grin)…
ImperialNokhtis's avatar
My cat just drank my tea.
DiamondTank's avatar
you love your cat right still
ImperialNokhtis's avatar
He is cute but has a bad habit of trying to screw the other cat despite both of them being fixed so. I don't know how I feel about him right now.
DiamondTank's avatar
don't hate your cat love him and teach him too :D
AfricanAmericanAnime's avatar
Go , semi-evil Chihuahua that attempted to eat my almond cookies as soon as I turned my back... I still love you !!!
CourageoftheMagi's avatar
My cats I miss you!!! They rocked!
DiamondTank's avatar
AquarianHorse's avatar
I love all the dogs and cats I lived with or had :) SOme of my guinea pigs were super sweet that I had and a few sweet hamsters :)
AndyVRenditions's avatar
Unnamed (33) by Andy813  I received my Brandy a year ago. her previous owner was having trouble paying for her house, and one day just decided to give up her dogs. i think she had like 3.. and I ended up with one of em. she was all disheveled when I first saw her, so untaken care of Disbelief  but now she's healthy again! :) 

 praise all doggies Heart 
AquarianHorse's avatar
awww she's adorable and you have a great heart for taking her in :)
AndyVRenditions's avatar
Oh thanks! Yea, and she's extremely huggable :)