Praise helmets!

skygal333's avatar
My mother's old friend (and one of my past babysitting clients) just got into an accident.  Not much is known about how it happened with police investigations and mechanics looking into things.  All that is known was mom's friend was on his motorcycle running errands, other guy was in his car, then a big crash. 
Mom's friend had a crack in his skull, broken ribs, broken hip and an injured leg.  Luckily, with surgery, he will make a full recovery and be back to himself in no time.  Thank heavens he was wearing a helmet or the crash would've kill him!  He's close to his daughters (ages 10 & 8) and they would be devastated to lose their daddy.

So PRAISE HELMETS!  Thank you for protecting our heads!
And to anyone who doesn't wear a helmet when biking or motorcycling...WEAR ONE.  Don't risk your life!
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Get---Out's avatar
Should have been wearing a full body helmet
zerodj's avatar
Indeed! they are also cool :D I never get out in my bike without my helmet. And yes, they do save lives. I got hit once by another bike and even thought the crash wasn't that bad, I did hit my head when I fell to the ground. Luckily, I had my trusty helmet and nothing bad happened.
Hellsing612's avatar
Helmets; can't live with 'em, but you can't live without 'em.
RobStrand's avatar
Bless you helmets for weighting a ton and deflecting shrapnel.  I tip my cup to you!
TheStrategos's avatar
Yes, helmets are truly awesome. And often look very cool too :blushes: . I hope that dude makes a swift recovery :) !
SavageFrog's avatar
Ouchies - I hope he recovers ok.