Say Something Nice About The Person Above You

Phoenix-Arts's avatar
So I don't know if this is the forum for that, but yeah....
I think it'd be nice to have a thread where people
can give and receive praise and compliments.
This can range anywhere from their art, to
their actions, to their personality. ANYTHING!
I think it'd be cool. So.... without farther ado, let's begin.

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Tottaparadise's avatar
Praise you all .. because each deviant it courage and creative to be here :)
Dayanx's avatar
I praise the people who favorite my artwork and webcomic whe i look at their own work and past favorites and it looks like they should have absolutely no interest in my genrewhatsoever. Im thankful they like it but scratch my head.
RoyalbluRoses's avatar
I like your Fan art of Chii and your taste in anime! Please 
Dayanx's avatar
A fan of Peter Steele AND Pinhead? +1. Keep up the good work with that shadow work. :)
RoyalbluRoses's avatar
nightchildmoonchild's avatar
You are earnestly striving for self-improvement. I like that.
Perrikara's avatar
Your art is SO BEAUTIFUL O.O (I can't draw people DX)
Perrikara's avatar
And it's very creative :)
GreekGodApollosFart's avatar
You have a skilled mind that can concur anything. Your bright smile lightens everyone's day and you never seem to frown even when you are troubled by unnecessary events that take hold of your life.Everyone looks up to you even your parents and you often find yourself lost in day dreams .No one is like you, you are unique and courageous in anything and everything you do. Just trust yourself you are who you are and that is all you can handle . Just remember you are a bright shinning star that can brighten everyone's day with a smile.
Mystiecub's avatar
I envy AnnaBubblegum 's skill in traditional artwork. If I could draw like that, I'd do it more often.
AnnaBubblegum's avatar
ShadowRiverlark seems seriously cute and nice, you make people want to get to know you and be your friends. Adorable avatar by the way
ShadowKittyZerolilly's avatar
Aww, thank you so much! <33 That's really sweet of you. ^o^
ShadowKittyZerolilly's avatar
By the way, welcome to deviantART. Hope you like it here~ 
ShadowKittyZerolilly's avatar
Phoenix-Arts's avatar
LittleDarklings you are quite cute with some nice work on your gallery. 
moonrainbowxoxo's avatar
You are beautiful.
LittleDarklings's avatar
:iconkaikaku: has some of the best paintings and photography i've seen since joining.... seriously worth a look :)
kaikaku's avatar
theMaianebula, your traditional media work is wonderful and I love that you do a variety of different things!
theMaianebula's avatar
uooo, thank you so much! <3
theMaianebula's avatar
Kojiubear's gallery is totally cute, full of pastel colours that make you smile and feel blissful :)
TKatomika's avatar
:iconericiacryplz: Thank youu for such a nice commeent 