Praise your butt

IncandescentInsanity's avatar
Seriously. Imagine sitting down without it
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kausawolf's avatar
Butts are the best <3
RomanticNostalgia's avatar
I have no butt, I have a ghetto pelvis.
IncandescentInsanity's avatar
I have no butt, and I must scream
luminousBrink's avatar
well, my butthole does help me release the waste from my body...:poop:
IncandescentInsanity's avatar
AngelsDead's avatar
butts make sitting indeed soft :D
KrazyLunatic666's avatar
I barely have a butt...
IncandescentInsanity's avatar
Build a butt workshop
Color-Blush's avatar
I have no butt to praise, so I'll praise the small muscles of my petite lower form.
Sesshomaru431's avatar
That.. would be painful!

And it always cusions my fall when I trip over my own feet!
Mini-Wolfsbane's avatar
BOOTAY! :lalalala:

My butt is awesome because it doesn't complain as I tirelessly goof off and work on art/fanfics/pet projects/whatever on the computer for more hours then is probably healthy. 0_o

Love ya butt! :heart:
Odalist's avatar
My butt is named Reginald Crapshire. He's a grumpy, foul-mouthed retired Mayor who often acts rudely to his neighbors at the Stroketower estate - a residence far more exquisite than his own! There dwells Lord William Peter Crumbeworthy, a dashing aristocrat and professor. His two lively (and a little nutty!) twin cousins also reside there, Stoneham and Sackman Nadswell!
AlternateMew's avatar
xtinyheartx's avatar
I would kiss you my butt...however
1)I'm not that flexible
2)It would be weird to kiss my own ass
IncandescentInsanity's avatar
Thank you this is a good addition
CrypticInk's avatar
Oh glorious butt! I praise thee in all your amazing, squishy glory. *O*