Praise Abortion!

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PuzzledHeartBox's avatar
I praise every pro-choice minded individual!
ZEGH8578's avatar
Can we abort terrorist fetuses tho?
0rg's avatar
I'd rather praise cheetos
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Askblackhearse's avatar
My cat likes eating Cheetos. :lmao:

((Sorry to butt in on your thread but,^^; I couldn't resist.))
mystichuntress's avatar
not if you exercise.
There is something called MODERATION, you know.
Kinoc-Kun's avatar
As a former fetus, I must disagree, sir.
John--Vincent's avatar
As a former fetus and a currently living person who doesn't want an overpopulated world full of unwanted, traumatized previous-babies-that-have-now-grown-up, I must disagree with you on disagreeing.
Kinoc-Kun's avatar
I must disagree with your disagreeing about my disagreeing as...umm... because I said so! :P
PuzzledHeartBox's avatar
Saying "because I said so" doesn't count as a valid reason :pat:
Tianithen's avatar
Praise abortion for decreasing the potential population of the world and therefore meaning we are doing less ecological damage than we could be ... yeah
Also eventually overpopulation will impact on people, wars will be fought over space, it is inevitable.
ValaSedai's avatar
I do praise freedom of decision. :)
Karinta's avatar
I think that is a good thing! :la:
ValaSedai's avatar
Very good indeed. :D
YunongLu's avatar
There were two stories I know I have heard. For me I agree with abortion, but anyways. People won't understand and 'say' they still have the baby till it really happens to them.....
One story and it is true! Look it up if you don't beleive me! A girl was raped seven times by her uncle and over those seven times had many abortions.
I asked a friend if they still have those babies, of course they said 'yes' because no one understand the trama the innocent girl had to go through.
Then another which happened a lot is the brother raped the sister and got pragnet. She abort the baby which no one again would understand unless they were put in there shoes.
So preech away people of lives are lives, but no one will understand till there in those situations. Then here's a curve ball, if the person carrying Hitler knew what what he would do, would she abort him? Hmmm. Some do say no.

So, not only diseases are reasons for abortion, but I agree with the diseases too.
Madeline118's avatar
I think getting an abortion for those reasons is different than using abortion as a form of birth control. Because that's what some people do and it's sad :/ The kid shouldn't be killed because the parents were idiots and didn't use birth control, condoms, or a female contraceptive. I've never been in that situation, no, but I still don't think it's right to kill a baby (fetus) unless you were raped, knew your child was going to have something horribly wrong, or if the birthing process could possibly kill you. Other than that it isn't really justified. It's just killing someone. However, I really only think that about a fetus after it is 6 weeks old. Before that, it doesn't have much to identify it as human other than the DNA. Not meaning to be a bitch, or say your opinion is stupid (because it isn't, I agree with it), I'm just trying to say that abortion isn't always the answer. And it's sad :/
Iiwi's avatar
I agree 100%
YunongLu's avatar
I agree with you and you are not being a bitch. Don't talk down on yourself like that!----bad person---LOL.
Madeline118's avatar
zombie-goldfish's avatar
I get the point but I don't see why this is a topic to be praised. It just looks to me like this is bait so that you can insult pro-lifers that don't agree.
zephy0's avatar
Alright :D ...I don't even know what I'm praising here, do I