The problem with processed food

RetroSpriteResources's avatar
Today's women are so fat. Women looked so much sexier when they were skinny. I don't have any actual pictures of these women because we started processing food before cameras were invented, but you can see how thin women are supposed to be by looking at anime:
Winry by RetroSpriteResources
In case you didn't know, anime is based off of ancient Japanese art and ancient Japanese art was based on the world around them. Without knowing it, the Japanese created a record of how women are supposed to look.

For comparison, here's a woman from the age of processed food cosplaying as this same girl:
Winry Cosplay by RetroSpriteResources
To me, it's actually scary how much processed food has affected the bodies of women over the years.

Don't get me wrong, women can still be very kind, beautiful and intelligent even with their extra body fat, but that doesn't mean it's a good thing to be fat. You women need to take an example from ancient Japan and eat more healthy things.

I'm also sick of whale-sized feminists who are even fatter by comparison to the cosplaying girl as she is to Winry complaining when Japan makes anime women skinny. I mean, what does not showing healthy women have to do with gender equality? We are not going to erase history just to make you whales feel more comfortable in your bodies. However, if this keeps up, I fear that all women may eventually become whales.
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morbidman187's avatar
Hello RetroSpriteResources,

While we usually appreciate it when members make use of our forums it appears that your particular thread here was created in order to be disruptive so we will be closing it.

Please try to make your future use of our forums more positive and productive, thank you!
Pix3M's avatar
Also, you might want to look at this counter example, from 1943:…

Or better yet, how about some ancient greek statues:…
Pix3M's avatar
Jay, the biggest problem in your thread is that you literally don't understand that the human skeleton will in no way ever be as thin as an anime character. You can lose all the fat and muscle you want, it will never be as narrow as a body of a Japanese cartoon character
Phracker's avatar
It would have been even funnier if he used Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) as an example of ideal weight.

Actually, I might do that.  Sounds like a good idea for a troll thread.65. What If... 
Phracker's avatar
It's so weird to see liberals defending the processed food industry in this thread.  I thought liberals were supposed to be anti-corporation?
Pix3M's avatar
There's a difference between being a liberal and being a socialist
Phracker's avatar
So what exactly is a liberal then?
Pix3M's avatar
Most liberals I know are pretty much capitalists who favor regulations and such we're not really against the existence of businesses. Socialists don't favor capitalism at all
Keijix's avatar
damn still no global warming, facesitting or p*rn forum, but this is a nice surprise, too.

First of all we men can be fat, too. ^_^ You're still a lil' bit sexist, however so you get attention, that's why Thumbs Up .

But you're right, I also don't think that fat women are s*xy.Cheers fella (party)  fella's Gobbler (Party) chubby mushroom Fat Shyguy Fat Tardgrin can't jump 
All my OC's are thin. :happybounce:
MasterPlanner's avatar
I agree that obesity is an epidemic, but using fictional fantasy as your standard for real life people is cringy, and you're baiting anyway.

Also how is it that that woman can have such skinny arms yet have such a pudgy stomach lol
Phracker's avatar
Cartoon physics.  What else?
MasterPlanner's avatar
No I mean the cosplayer
ScottaHemi's avatar
I dunno cosplay wenry? whatever looks pretty good to me. 

you don't want to much skinner or you start looking like a spooky scary skeliton and no one wants that. 
kappaprince's avatar
yes, i do agree that processed foods are bad.
yes, i do agree that people need to get thinner.
but, i don't see why you standardize how people are supposed to be by fictional works.
it's most likely that those characters are underweight anyways. if you have a bmi of like 16 to 25, then you're technically in a healthy weight.
Comment Flagged as Spam
line-melte's avatar
You want him to stop trolling? Stop posting actual replies to his bait. 
Pix3M's avatar
He's not even a troll. He's legitimately as stupid as he presents himself
Phracker's avatar
I think this is an appropriate caveat:

Dear feminists by Phracker
Phracker's avatar
Seriously?  Ever seen photographs of women taken before 1900?  They're all ugly as fuck.  Overall, women have gotten 10 times sexier in the past century, especially considering that unattractively fat women are a minority.
RetroSpriteResources's avatar
I'm talking about the times before cameras were even invented.
Eidolon1's avatar
Actually in the old days in many places fat women were considered beautiful.  Today we have more to eat and engage in activities that don't give us enough exercise, like what we are doing right now: spending too much time sitting around like we are doing now, spending all day on the computer.  Looks like I got to stop.  Its time for me to take my morning walk.  I'd love to have you join me.
Phracker's avatar
True, but "fat women" of those days were thin by today's standards (unless you're talking about the modeling industry with its impossible beauty standards).

The-Three-Graces by Phracker

This is Rubens' The Three Graces, which is about as buxom as they get when it comes to old erotic paintings, and it's still a far cry from the morbidly obese people you see walking the streets today.

Just for comparison and to drive the point home, this is a plus-size (read "obese") model of today:

296BCF3400000578-3114218-image-m-75 1433681801919 by Phracker

This was not considered attractive in olden times.  In fact this didn't exist back then, except in freak shows.