Have We Earned Our Anger?

JamesQLewis's avatar
I've never seen so much anger in the USA. Is it justified? Political disaffection is at a fever pitch. Race relations are at a low point with riots breaking out. 



1- Is this level of anger justified? 
2- Can we use this anger for something positive? 
3- Can Americans achieve anything unless we can bridge the partisan divide? Republicans and Democrats are part of the same system, and that system is broken for everyone.
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thatwierdmusician's avatar
BLM is a thug movement. I literally have no respect for any sort of movement that acts the way they do. 
Well, hey, George Washington was against parties, and these parties are screwing everything up. Let's remove the parties. 
RobStrand's avatar
We had political differences settled with duels at one time. 

Our founding fathers knew how to take care of business.
Valsayre's avatar
Duels, what fun ! :D 
RobStrand's avatar
In the state of Kentucky you can still duel.

However nobody does.  
JamesQLewis's avatar
Hamilton v Burr? I dunno know. I don't think that worked out too well for either of them. 
RobStrand's avatar
Andrew Jackson was in close to 100 duels.  
JamesQLewis's avatar
Yeah, well, he was a prickly bastard, that's for sure. The duels worked out reasonably well for him, and obviously less well for his opponents. 100 is the high end of the estimates for his duels. There's only documentation for a few of them.
RobStrand's avatar
Yeah, well, he was a prickly bastard, that's for sure. The duels worked out reasonably well for him, and obviously less well for his opponents. 100 is the high end of the estimates for his duels. There's only documentation for a few of them.
It is unknown exactly how many he participated in, scholars and historians say 5, Jackson himself boast more.  

We should go back to Roman politics.  If we hated another senator or leader with such conviction we stabbed the shit out of them with daggers on the senate floor or poisoned there next meal and then and replaced them. Politics use to be a dangerous profession.  Before they just killed you, now they just kill your integrity.     
JamesQLewis's avatar
I'll vote for the reinstatement of the Roman sack punishment for corrupt politicians. Sew 'em in a sack with monkeys and scorpions and wildebeests and dump 'em all in the Potomac. 
RobStrand's avatar
God I love politics.  
Saffireprowler's avatar
WE earned it because WE caused it.
Underdell's avatar
1. Yes. If the majority of America actually knew even a fragment of the truth, the entire system would collapse. 
2. Over throwing a corrupt and broken system which caters the rich and promotes corruption
3. We need to get rid of the dual party system if we really want to go beyond our current restrictions (which will end off killing us if we dont change them)
JamesQLewis's avatar
1- Yeah, that's what Fox Mulder said, and look what happened to him.

2- I'd settle for anyone asking the simple question, why are Americans angry with each other, rather than that corrupt system? My follow-up would be, are we angrier at each other than we are with the corrupt system? 

3- That may happen, though I fear it will happen in a haphazard, uncontrolled way. The Republicans appear to be dying, and what will happen if they die?
Underdell's avatar
1. He got cancelled? :)  
I get what you mean. The problem is about numbers. If the majority of people knew, then there would be a revolt.. but most are blind. Trust their government, at least to the extent that they would dismiss pure evil or malevolence.. which leaves them vulnerable.

2. They are angry with each other because the system pins them against each other. They are kept separated, made to feel prideful of their own personal state, and then filled with fear of anyone who is different because of news media. I think we take it out on each other out of frustration. I assure you, if most people could, they would go and bunch a high ranking banker or politician right in the face, and they would deserve it.. but you would go to jail for a long time for doing that.. but if you fight your fellow citizen, well that's easy. No one protects them, while there are cops and body guards always around the ones who really cause the problems.

3. There will be a time of discomfort (putting it lightly), but that's what happens when a system collapses.. People will band together, and there will be new governments formed. No one unified group will dominate the entire country like now 
JamesQLewis's avatar
1- Ha! That's what they want you to believe. Would Fox cancel Fox Mulder? I think not. Actually, he left the show long before it was cancelled, but... whatever.

2- Yeah, oldest trick in the political book, divide and conquer. 

3- We'd have to change our legislative system. No more majority and minority leaders, or at least they wouldn't be chosen the same way, I guess. 

We need someone to address our anger, not exploit it, and keep it from boiling over. I don't see anyone who can do that.
Underdell's avatar
1. Not surprised... A show about conspiracies on a network who covers up conspiracy. Incompatible! But a great propaganda tool it was for the time

2. Then we must use our voices (art) to unite

3. I'd say the key is to educate the masses and then enforce a truer democracy. Build a system where everyone has more power, and isn't a slave to corporations. 

I guess we need a Jesus like figure, eh... 
JamesQLewis's avatar
Yeah, but we can't just wait around for a Jesus-like figure, we have to do something in the meantime, and that's try to take small steps on our own.We're so angry in the US that we can't talk to one another, as this forum pretty clearly demonstrates. I would hope that art would provide a bridge here, but it doesn't seem to, which is a bit odd to me. I can't see much happening unless we can find some way to bridge the absurdly wide partisan divide, which provides people such an easy way to pigeonhole and dismiss people who think differently from themselves.
Underdell's avatar
I guess we have to be the Jesus like figure XD

All we can do is keep trying. Keep working hard. We are artists. We have REAL power, we can change minds with ideas and hope and enlightenment. 
greensap's avatar
For me  ... I see red when, you never hear the other side of the argument, when the media just skates around a serious issue for fear of causing an offence to the politically correct brigade. I only wish there was an equal common sense debate going on around the world. Then I could get back to what I really like doing, creating some artwork  instead of my outrageous grammar, and spelling to inflict in this forum ... 
JamesQLewis's avatar
Yeah, but you don't sound terribly angry. I'm angry about the government, but I don't see the value in shutting it down, or putting someone like Trump or Carson in charge of it. Why are people so angry right now? 
greensap's avatar
Well I guess you got to formulate that anger, so what would your answer be...?
JamesQLewis's avatar
Well, I don't know. It's millions of people, and I would guess they're all mad about different things. Unfortunately I think some of those things are changes like gay marriage. Things that widen the partisan divide. I just read that Republicans are three times angrier than Democrats. 

greensap's avatar
Most old men are grumpy old sods... Because the world seems to change out of all recognition from when their young. When I was a kid, if you were actively gay, it was a jail sentence. Now gays can get married. I guess it's a massive culture fracture between the west and  the Islamic world, that's now been forced together by the likes of NGO, governments, and media... Trump little over the top with water boarding ... But the enemy do not recognise the geneva convention ... They can do what like knowing that human rights will protect them... And the number of times they have sued Britain and often made more money, than our boys got serving their country and losing a leg... That makes us mad, angry ...