Want to fix poverty? Stop racism? Want to see a fresh perspective on the world's problems? Watch.

xerion567's avatar
Edit: Sorry. As people have asked me to elaborate on the content of the video, I shall attempt to do so.

We face huge problems throughout the world, from poverty and racism, environmental damage,  endless war, and much more. I see too many people turning to individualism to try and solve worldwide problems, or even worse, turning against each other with racial prejudice and economic jealousy. I wish people could see that this very divisiveness is just a tactic being used against them to prevent solutions from happening.

The economist Richard Wolff explains in the video below about the absurdity of the system in which we live, Capitalism. It continues to thrive based on a story of "us vs them", like the famous "47% of moochers" who are supposedly responsible for dragging down all the rest of the "hard working, responsible" people. It's a story that convinces people to hate the poor, or hate blacks, or hate Greeks, or whoever else can take the blame so that the real causes of these problems can't be seen. So much suffering, death, and destruction is caused because of the controls of a handful of people at the top of Capitalism.

The best solution I have seen is about democracy. Give everyone an equal share in the decisions that effect their lives, not just in government, but in the workplace. This will empower the people to make decisions not just based on what is best for the profits of the company, but also on the quality of their lives, on the way in which the environment is treated, and so many other decisions besides. Such an arrangement would guarantee that those jobs would never be outsourced to another place where labor is cheaper because that would mean the workers themselves voting themselves out of a job! This organization of labor goes by many names such as Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs) and socialism. Keep that 's' word in mind, because I think you're going to be seeing that word a lot more in the coming year.

We badly need system change, and now even the Pope is now touring the world, spreading the message that our economic system needs to be fixed. The only way this will happen is if we unite together in common cause and demand it. If we cannot do this- if we cannot grow beyond divisive and fascist tactics, I truly fear we will be headed for a civil war. The video below explains in much better clarity and detail than I can provide about the causes and solutions to these problems. I don't usually spend time discussing politics in these forums, but this lecture was so incredible I really had to share it.

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Crapcarp's avatar
:facepalm: Hypocrisy and naivety at it's finest. Being a starry-eyed little shit who can't see past the corner ain't gonna solve a damn thing.
xerion567's avatar
I'm sorry for your suffering. Does your anger, thus directed at me help you to solve your problems?
Crapcarp's avatar
Does making replies that don't make sense solve yours?
xerion567's avatar
You do not understand compassion? Try to find it within yourself, and you may be surprised at how much better it can make you feel. :D
Crapcarp's avatar
Yeah, that passive-aggressive shit ain't gonna stick.
xerion567's avatar
Well, come back when you are less aggressive, and then I won't have to be so passive. ;-)
Crapcarp's avatar
Acting like a 1st-grader ain't hide your hypocrisy and stupidity. You're solving nothing and you're not saying anything new. You're just repeating the same ol' drivel that everybody's heard since they were kids. What's really pathetic is that you're completely blind to the hypocrisy.

All you're doing is wasting everyone's time.
Bethulsa's avatar
It's always been this way, if you look at history, Humanity isn't really evolving as far as money is concerned, in my opinion. Slavery did not die, it just evolved into low wages and high cost of living. Racism is just as common nowadays, we just choose to hide most of it from view. The system is broken only because those who manipulated it seem to have pushed it too far. I fear it will take total collapse before anyone makes a noticeable move to fix it. This is our psychology at it's core, base root. Only thinking of our own survival, even if it means sacrificing everyone's future to get it. I do wonder what things will look like in another hundred years or so. Will we have grown from this mess and come together, or will our judgmental, arrogant bubble-existence continue to rule our every action.
xerion567's avatar
Marx believed that society and culture experience evolution over periods of time, much in the same way that evolution exists in biology. When he analyzed the history of human civilization, he found that the systems of governance and the values held by the people advanced. No, we have not achieved equality, liberty, and fraternity, as the French revolution and so many others tried to achieve, but with each subsequent new system of governance, some gains had been achieved. He theorized that Socialism would be the next evolutionary stage after Capitalism. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx%27s… for more about this.

The system we live in today is broken, and it may have even worked for a time, at least for a small portion of the world's population (those in the Capitalist centers of the world). But we can do better than Capitalism, we now even have a pretty good idea how, it's just a question of getting the political will to do so. I fear as well, that a total system collapse will be the only thing which can bring forth the will to bring a new age to society. The question is which way will it turn? Like a forest where fires have been suppressed for a long time, when that fire does break out, how much destruction will be wrought by it before the new seeds can begin to grow?

Not everyone is dominated by total self-interest. There are some that are, and they are the ones trying to control everything right now. I believe that the vast majority are somewhere in between selfish and selfless, and that each these people's behavior can vary depending on the environment in which they live. As some experiments have shown, the is a tendency of someone to follow the example of something they have seen, i.e. if someone sees another person stealing, that person is also much more likely to break a rule. But I think it works both ways, and when others see people doing good, they will be more inclined to follow that good example too. :D
AspiePie's avatar
I wonder if Intermental will respond... By the way the Rightwingers are calling me a pedophile?
TheDayTripper's avatar
I've felt for a long while that a hybrid style economic system could work well. In an advanced society, nobody should be worrying about keeping a roof over their head or food on the table. If you want the big screen tv and other toys, then you have to get a job. Nobody should have to scrub piss and shit just feed their children. I do realize i'm whats known as a "utopian dreamer", but this is my opinion.
chickslovecats's avatar
One idea that would almost guarentee a system like this that would work would be a form of communism with a hint of robotics. I know, sounds weird, and sounds pro-communist, but think about it. In communism, everyone works hard, and everyone gets the same amount rations and a similar paycheck at the end of the week. What makes communism bad is dictatorship and removal of rights, but those aren't in the definition of communism. A communist government, with no actual leader, and all the crummy jobs (mass farming, "cleaning piss and shit", certain parts of law enforcement) would be done with the help of robotics, freeing humans from those jobs. The issue is, with the name of communism, I'm not too sure anyone would even think to support it.
xerion567's avatar
Oh yes, absolutely 100% behind this! :aww: A loving and caring society would provide for everyone's basic needs, giving us all the opportunity to fully develop ourselves and explore our own passions and ideas. The Pope has been recently saying in Latin America that it is God's will that every person should be provided food, shelter, and work; and that to consider yourself in line Christian beliefs you must support this commandment. I am not a Christian, but I have to admire what the Pope has been saying.

The irony is we've had the technology and the capacity to achieve this for a very long time now, the only thing that prevents it from becoming reality is lack of political will. I don't think it is as impossible as you might think- many people say this or that is impossible simply because it hasn't been done yet. If everyone thought this way, there would be no technological innovation.

(psst- there is a small part of Africa where the thing you speak of is being tried, and seeing some interesting results! ;-))
TheDayTripper's avatar
oh yes, i've been watching how a growing number of developing nations are not following us down the path of rampant capitalism. I'm glad. Once others start to built advanced societies, the rest of the world will catch on. That or fabricate some reason to attack said nations.......
xerion567's avatar
One of the things Wolff talked about in the video was how the USA has been going around for decades crushing the expressions of autonomy seen in various countries throughout the world. This has left a wake of countries suffering brutal dictatorships for a long time, and left many people without a cause to support. With the Pope now stepping up in Latin America to declare that the church is on the side of those people who want a better, more egalitarian economy, things are getting interesting in that part of the world. As I've said earlier, I don't support everything the Catholic church stands for, but if it can bring billions of people the hope and solidarity of a common cause, then I am very happy to see it take shape. :D
brutalfin's avatar
i think its racist to call racists racist because by protecting the so called victims you are making them look weak and unable to protect themselves. then again blacks hating on whites isnt really racism coz its socially accepted but whites hating on blacks counts as racism coz of the history with slavery of afro-american black people :shrug:
TheDayTripper's avatar
many people have already explained that a group of people who are on the short end of an imbalanced social economic system, cannot be called racist for lashing out against the people who are on the higher end of said system and perpetuate the imbalance. Its like calling a jew in nazi germany, a racist, for attacking a german person while calling them "goose stepper".

Also....I don't understand how its "racist to call racist people, racist". That line of thought represents a serious lack of logic.
brutalfin's avatar
so there is no logic if you dont understand it. is it really the logic´s fault or yours? besides jews and nazis are 1940 get your shit on this century
TheDayTripper's avatar
not surprising, you disregard history as if the lessons learned cannot be applied today.
brutalfin's avatar
go get a beer ive had enough of your boring shit 
UnknownSingularity's avatar
The agenda of the ruling Elites is to create a massive crisis. Yes the collapse of our current economic system. Why? because this artificially created crisis will make people more vulnerable to their desires. Will make people more willing to give away their freedom, their identities. The final goal is a world government. A new world order, in which the poor will be more poor, will be disposable slaves, and the rich, very very filthy rich and in absolute control of all the planet resources.

You can see how this works in Greece. People voted agains austerity, yet their prime minister has implemented a shitty deal for Greece, more austerity and still the burden of a massive debt that cannot be payed back. Do you see people fighting this? do you see a revolution taking place in Greece? 

Nope... Most people are just bending over, opening their butt cheeks, and enjoying the fucking they are getting. Our current system is failing, because it is designed to fail. It is designed to scare people. It is designed to keep people under stress and worried about the future. You are the victim of mass mental manipulation :iconwoooplz:
If the ruling elite wanted to collapse the current economic system, why don't they just devalue the currency to the extent where there is hyperinflation? I know they are already devaluing the currency, but if they accelerate this, wouldn't that destroy the economic system really quickly?