Does Trump know what he is talking about?

SluttyNewandimproved's avatar
I'm not American but I saw on the news that he said Mexicans were raping tons of people. Now I only watch Breaking Bad and saw all the mexican characters did  evil stuff on that and on best gore the cartel always have sick vids up, but I don't know anything else.
I also heard people did not like what he said, but they are coming around and he is gaining some support now. What you lot think?
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FlipswitchMANDERING's avatar
"Now I only watch Breaking Bad and saw all the mexican characters did  evil stuff on that and on best gore the cartel always have sick vids up, but I don't know anything else."

More than 20,000 thousand people have died in that war.
Jafar-AsSaleem's avatar
He isn't saying what the news is saying he said. He said that a vast bulk of the crime is contributed by illegal immigrants, ie. people who jumped the fist or swam the river. And he is right. Nobody can deny that. However, people want to say he hates Mexicans so that it might hurt his chances of winning.
CandyDeChocolate's avatar
The media presents people however they want to. Yes, there is good and bad people in Mexico, just like in any country. No, Mexicans that migrate are not all rapist and drug traffickers, because there is people in the United States that do not have to migrate and are still rapist and drug consumers (which encourage drug business in Mexico and other countries). Most people who come to United States (because let's be clear, it is not only Mexicans coming to United States, but also people from El Salvador, Honduras, China, South Korea, India, Colombia....) come eager to work and succeed (and pursue the fake and unattainable American Dream). And no, we do not need to build a "stronger border." The border between United States and Mexico is already the most expensive and secure one. US spends A LOT of money in that border! What does US should do? There are many options, but trust me, "securing" the border is not one of them (Ex. they could stop consuming drugs so drug traffickers would be out of job. Ex. US could stop funding the Drug War (AKA almost Civil War) at Mexico. Ex. US could stop displacing small businesses in Mexico, because they are taking over small businesses jobs by bringing their American companies and their over capitalist and materialistic society, which leaves people with no many options, and one of these options are usually migrate to US....). As a Mexican living in U.S. I will speak mostly for my people and trust me, this dude knows nothing... I can't even... ¬_¬
Saffireprowler's avatar
That's no excuse to come here illegally. NO EXCUSE.
Valzeras's avatar
Hilary Clinton has promised to give all of them US citizenship so there will no longer be such a thing as illegal aliens or undocumented persons if she gets elected!…
Saffireprowler's avatar
All of these clowns are for it, except for Trump I do believe. He is the only candidate that I have heard that opposes amnesty completely. Carson, Cruz, and Santorum may be against as well but I'm not certain yet.
emreof-of-merilam's avatar
trunp has the mindset of a thirteen year old child, that's why he shouldnt be president. and as a mexican engineer i can stand by far that we are NOT all "rapists" or drug addicts. most of us come to this country because we are starving or being murdered in our own country by our government.
FlipswitchMANDERING's avatar
He never said all Mexicans were rapists.

"most of us come to this country"

So it's ok to generalize a population for good, but not for bad? Contradicting.

Many of the Mexicans coming to America are not hard working, they are here for the welfare.  With that, the hard working Mexicans are some of the most hard working people you will find, but they are not the majority currently.  And even if they are, there is still a HUGE population of freeloaders living off government checks.
Eraezr's avatar
He is giving ammo to Bill Maher. . . 2016 is going to be hilarious if Trump really does run for president.
DefineDeviancyDown's avatar
Meanwhile on the dummycrat side, Democrat presidential candidate Martin O'Malley apologized on Saturday for saying "All lives matter" while discussing police violence against African-Americans with liberal demonstrators.

Demonstrators interrupted the former Maryland governor while he was speaking at the Netroots (also known as "NUTROOTS") Nation conference, a gathering of liberal activists, demanding that he address criminal justice and police brutality. When they shouted, "Black lives matter!" a rallying cry of protestors, O'Malley responded: "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter." Then the shit broke loose. Poor Comrade Bernie Sanders couldn't get a word in and walked off the stage!

Hellary Clinton made the same "mis-step" saying all lives matter. Hellary is facing criticism on social media for using the phrase.

Apparently all lives don't matter. If you say they do you will be shouted down by a mob of libtard rock-throwing morons. The dummycrats have lost control!
AspiePie's avatar
Because of course whites are targeted by the Police duh dum, tst. 
FlipswitchMANDERING's avatar
Actually it came out that Police were more inclined to shoot a white than a black.…
AspiePie's avatar
Oh wow.. you are using the majority shot argument again... You do realize for the number of blacks in the population if it were compared to white people and they were being shot at the same rate as whites there would be a lot less being shot any way. If you compare that Data to Population Statistics thigns come up a lot differently!
DefineDeviancyDown's avatar
That is true, police work is color blind!
DefineDeviancyDown's avatar
Nope, won't read a leftist publication
AspiePie's avatar
It has debunking's of left wings lies too kid...
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FlipswitchMANDERING's avatar
I wont deny some cops do target blacks, but  Maybe you remember this story.…
DefineDeviancyDown's avatar
I remember. I grew up in a time and place when taking a beating from cops was common.
UnknownSingularity's avatar
Oh my the levels of stupidity of the dummycrats and their followers are amusing :rofl:
DefineDeviancyDown's avatar
Do you realize, (I'm sure you do), how racist that is. Only black lives matter! And those stupid dummycrat libtards buy-in to that shit!!  And their constituencies accept it hands down!!! It never ceases to amaze me.

We're living in an era of stifling conformity where everyone has to think and speak the same, or be crushed. Trump, although he will not be president, is serving a purpose. He's waking people up, showing them it's OK to tell the conformists to go fuck themselves. As Kid Rock told Al Sharpton..... KISS MY ASS! The race pimp dropped his complaints and threats, amazing how that works, HUH?
SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
That man loves controversy, he has always being kind of an asshole, but he has money so he allows himself to open his big mouth, he does not give a shit.

He wears a wig too. I can not respect a man who wears a wig,  he seems to have a huge complex and that translates into his weird shit too.

Yes, illegal immigrants are guilty of crazy shit in lots of cases, because some of them flee their countries escaping from justice too, but the way he put most of them in the same bag is what sounds ignorant to me. Lots of them are only guilty of being illegal, but not for more crimes, why?, because the US police do nor play games and they do not want to be deported, so most slip under the radar. Is entering illegally what it is wrong, a country should be able to screen newcomers, you are jot going ti welcome people with fucked up stuff in their past
AndyVRenditions's avatar
seeing as no one has mentioned it here yet, i think it's important to point out that there are bad and good people within all races, no single race is perfect. Crime, executions, rape, beheadings, corruption, greediness, etc. all exist for mexicans, blacks, chinese, whites, arabs, just as they also have their successful people, their hardworking people, achievements, beauty, etc. It's wrong to paint everybody that is Mexican with the colors of the criminalized ones that do harm and do bad.

As for Trump, sure, maybe to a degree, what he says may be true, but I can infer that he lacks a full understanding of the situations. He also lacks empathy, and respect for people. I read somethin that mentioned he never asks for forgiveness, and you know, that will be his downfall. You aren't human if you can't love nor forgive. He thinks he's God, but he's not. I could care less about what he says, even if he does offer points at times. His vanity and ruthless, explicit mindset is downright repulsive. I think his support is nothing but a bubble. it's nice now, but ready to pop, as it can't handle the reality of what is the world, and the meaning of what it is to be a leader