Slab City, USA

Toadadile's avatar
Slab City is an unofficial and illegal city in California, USA. The people who live there are anarchists, stoners, and mentally ill. They live by a "live and let live" type code and get along just find. are there other cities like that that you know of? Would you ever live like that? Ever been to burning man? Thoughts on anarchy? Ever thought of being a nomad? I want to hear your thoughts on anarchy.
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UnknownSingularity's avatar
I enjoy driving a new car, living in a new home, and lots of shits and giggles... That life is not for me 8-)
gvcci-hvcci's avatar
anarchy is icky.
Internetexplorer968's avatar
Anarchy will fail and fall to communism, republic, or dictatorships. One person decides to team up with other people and destroy savages, the anarchy is then over.
chickslovecats's avatar
There's large chunks of the poor and nasty parts of Las Vegas where no one gives a single shit about any of the state laws, always disobeying the less thought about ones (prostitution and drugs which are surprisingly illegal in Vegas), where pretty much everyone gets along together quite fine. The only troubles for them are law enforcement and the occasional gangs that try to take over. They live pretty tough lives when it comes to economic issues, they treat each other decently though. Everyone has some respect as long as you aren't a hooker or some white old man in some creepy house. Used to live in one of those areas.
2ndtonone91's avatar
I hate anarchy with a passion. 
EdenianPrince's avatar
Could I live like that? Absolutely not. 
Doc-Skitz's avatar
It's not surprising that slab city is in the land of fruits and nuts.

Due to the rotation of the Earth, all the loose nuts naturally fall to the left, some get stuck at the Pacific, in CA, others, the more indomitable cross the ocean and end up in Oz!
Jejejeje823's avatar
my holiday destination
siantjudas's avatar
And Slab City can do that because there's like a few dozen people there at the most.

Also, to call slab city anarchistic would be wrong. Maybe that's why they went there to begin with, but once they started living with each other, they established certain social tenants. Maybe they are very loose, but they created a rudimentary system, because it's innate. In all honesty, once you have more than one person co-existing with each other, a system arises between them. This is the rudimentary basis of goverance.

In essence, true anarchy is impossible. It's a theoretical concept that we can't practically observe.
Lytrigian's avatar
As far as I know, Slab City is not illegal. I suppose they're technically trespassing on state land, but as long as the state doesn't ask them to move they're perfectly fine. (And some of those there may be able to gain title to some land via adverse possession.) And since many of those who live there subsist on some kind of government benefit, if they're anarchists they're not very good ones.
WolfySpice's avatar
No. I want a high-functioning society, not a barely-functioning society.
RobStrand's avatar
Amazingly I know an unincorporated town called "Slab City" about 15 minute drive from my house just off of Highway 47 not for from Bonduel, Wisconsin.  The biggest thing in the town ironically is a rock quarry. 
Toadadile's avatar
The one in California is a trailer park in the desert. Itwas really popular in the 60's-80's because it has a hot springs.
Chromattix's avatar
I thought Slab City was a metaphor for a graveyard :tombstone:

The problem I have with a "live and let live" attitude is that it halts all progression. People with that attitude become complacent - they have no desire to make things for themselves or anyone else better provided they are at least getting by with things the way they are. I'm a fan o having some consistency in life myself, but not the expense of hindering any kind of favourable growth or progress. If we didn't then we'd still probably be living like those did during the middle ages. I'm sure many people thought society was just fine back then too :p

Light bulbs weren't invented by someone who was OK with having to write by candlelight. The internet wasn't invented by someone who was OK with having to send a letter in the mail to the other side of the country or world and wait several weeks for a response back. Smartphones weren't invented by people who thought it was OK to have to constantly switch between a phone, an MP3 player, a GPS system and a laptop to do different activities when they knew with some work they can get all these and more on the same device. When a community becomes complacent - it stagnates, which is probably some some cultures around the world didn't evolve at all.

Me, I expect a lot of out myself and other members of the community. I can't even stand it when some lazy ass leaves their empty cup on a public bench because they couldn't be arsed to walk to the nearest bin 10 feet away :frustrated: I'm pretty sure I've talked to some people who were high at the time (not that I knew it when it was happening, but in hindsight it seems a likely explanation) and man - they're nowhere near as deep as they think they're being. It's basically like trying to converse with a drunk - a pointless mental exercise that feels like a waste of my time and energy that could be spent on something more productive. I don't think weed makes a person bad, but it does make them practically useless :weed:

The closest to being a nomad I'd go is moving into a house in a smaller community, surrounded by countryside since I just fucking hate people sometimes and would love to get a break from all the dumb. But even then I'd expect modern luxuries - electricity, water, internet, etc. As for anarchy - even if it happened there'd quickly be some individuals rising to power and "governing" the rest anyway. Most people are sheep looking for someone to follow, someone to think for them and make all their decisions. All it takes is one overconfident person standing on something higher than anyone else, shouting empty promises through a megaphone and getting e'm all riled up :dummy:
Lytrigian's avatar
Slab City an abandoned Marine Corps camp in the Southern California desert, so called because the concrete slab foundations of the camp buildings were left behind when the buildings themselves were removed. People have been living there off the grid since 1965 or so.
Chromattix's avatar
That actually sounds kinda cool! I suppose if people can do it then it shows some sort of independence from mainstream society. They'd probably last better than us in a post-apocalyptic scenario, but it's still nothing I'd take part in :no:
Lytrigian's avatar
Or the opposite of cool, unless you like 50C weather.
Toadadile's avatar
Except for the weed part, i think this is the best response to my one of anarchist pitches I've ever heard.
Chromattix's avatar
Bluearium's avatar
I don't think anarchy is sustainable as a political ideology in general, but I think there are plenty of ways to live an 'anarchistic lifestyle' nowadays, especially in, as you've said, slab city. I personally am looking into living out of my car by choice sometime in the next few years... I think having to find creative solutions to deal with the problems associated with city living is not the worst idea ever.
Toadadile's avatar
I am personally thinking about becoming a nomad and living out of a backpac as I travel the world.