Ask an Ex- #Gamergate supporter anything.

Kiwikku's avatar
#GamerGate is very much a political issue, so I thought i'd post this here. It has less to do with video games than you think.

In case you don't know much about it, visit . 

It's mostly a battle between SJWs and gamers who discovered a sex scandal and were demonized in the media for speaking out about it under the guise of "Muh Soggy Knee". 

I quit because it was a leaderless angry mob, decentralized and entirely based around a hashtag. It had no chance of getting anything done, had no set list of goals- and mostly just ended up as an even less effective version of occupy wall street. They sincerely thought that emailing advertisers would be enough to take down multimillion dollar media companies.

I'm taking questions as a way to clear the air and de-stress after dealing with three months of nonstop internet warfare. 
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Tanadia's avatar
I must live under a rock because I am clueless to what this whole "gamer gate " thing is and why everyone has their panties in a twist about it. 
ensoul's avatar
ugh could you MRAs and tumblr feminists JUST FUCK ALREADY :stare:
Kellodrawsalot's avatar
:lol: I bet while they are all writing online how much they hate each other when they meet in real life they fall in love.

ensoul's avatar
:lol: yess I'd watch this.
It would be called "Calm Your Tits" and be an indie cult classic

ooh or someone should make a dating sim game
Diacraft's avatar
GG doesn't have anything to do with men's rights.
ensoul's avatar
yeah ok whine harder
Diacraft's avatar
Why did you even comment
Blondeblond's avatar
itt: tartlets talking about shit they have absolutely no clue about
XDeskard's avatar
Two words: Fucking feminists
Sheepy94's avatar
Why not go post about this in 4chan or something? No one cares about how angry you are that a woman is having more sex than you.
Kowasaci's avatar

You haven't witnessed the shekel shoah on /pol/, have you? They've been actively harming gawker since the beginning of it.
Diacraft's avatar
One of us, one of us
HGWizard's avatar
There is no rational side to this debate. I have a great disdain for SJWs, but since we are talking about gamergate, I'll lend my opinion to just what their cause was about, and why their protests are stupid.

In the case of Zoe Quinn, in a nutshell, people were upset that she slept with some guy that wrote for Kotatu, and he wrote a positive review for a game she made, allegedly. They were upset that because she got boned by the journalist, there was a bias in Zoe's review

I remember talking to someone about it, he mentioned that "Well, what if a girl in a metal band fucked some guy at metal injection and then got a good review of her album?! Wouldn't that piss you off?". My answer is no. why?

First of all, a review of any kind is a form of subjective journalism, not objective. What I mean is when you read a review, you are merely reading the opinion of the author. And opinions are certainly formed from biases.

Second of all, people were upset about the fact that sex was instrumental in the journalist's bias. Going back to the metal injection point, many authors at metal injection have friendly and professional relationships with the bands that they cover and review. Had Zoe and the Journalist had just been friends or had a professional relationship, wouldn't that effect his bias with the game in a similar manner? People (Americans in particular) have a unhealthy perspective on sex, and I think that has a lot to do with it.

As far as her infidelity, people get cheated on all the time. It's not a nice thing to do, I'm not arguing that, but do we really need to be getting upset over the dirty laundry of someone we don't even know personally? :P
Diacraft's avatar
Actually nobody really cared about Zoe Quinn before Gawker outlets started writing attack articles. It's a lot like how WWI was caused by a Serbian dude, but Russia backing Serbia against Germany was the start of the war.
SadistSkunk's avatar
What is it like to be retarded?
Kiwikku's avatar
SadistSkunk's avatar
I don't know. I'm too retarded to have any insight into my own condition.
AvSkyggene's avatar
No need to ask anything, because this is exactly what everyone who wasn't a part of it already knew. 

Just two groups of kids having a pants-wetting contest.
InternetMuhammad's avatar
How about "who gives a shit?"
Chiminix's avatar
I have no interest in gaming journalism whatsoever, but I am still being oppreshun.
DefineDeviancyDown's avatar
y do u put this hear, so we can been oppreshun cisscum, trans-bigotry, transmisogynist, ableist, racist, misogynist, classist, cisheterosexist, fat bigotry, truscum by SJW. i am tu emoshun tu go on.