Seperation of science and politics

Valzeras's avatar…

So he's the guy that discovered DNA and that there are genetically differences between races as well as intelligence gap.He was basically blacklisted from all media, academics and fired from his job for declaring that there exist a genetic difference between races and that not all races are equal in terms of intelligence.

I feel that his life had been ruined by radical leftists who keeps preaching the myth that we're all the same to this day and seek to destroy the livelihoods of anyone that dares to say otherwise.I hope that the injustice he suffered will be publicized one day and the people responsible for the demise of his social life and career gets exposed like the vile vermins they are.

“I apologize...the [Sunday Times] journalist somehow wrote that I worried about the people in Africa because of their low IQ – and you're not supposed to say that.”

note that even in his apology, he refuse to say that it's untrue.

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DefineDeviancyDown's avatar
How come the study of politics is called Political Science?

'Splain that!
CouchyCreature's avatar
In reality, science and politics are already seperated. Otherwise there would be more action on climate change and what can be done to slow it so it doesn't get difficult to impossible for our children and grandchildren to survive.
Maxi-Moran's avatar
Scientists should have their own society, where they would be free to do whatever they want.
GhostInThePines's avatar
Ignoring the intelligence side of this issue, let's just look at the genetic differences between the races. Furthering such research could help with the health care of millions. We already know that Africans/African-Americans descended from populations who dwelt in malaria-prone regions have a higher rate of sickle-cell anemia than other populations, because sickle-cell anemia actually causes resistance to malaria.

What other environmentally-influenced genetic differences (natural selection at work) could be found by studying racial and regional genetics? Could we find better treatments for heart disease? What about isolating genes that help determine what kind of diets would help individuals maintain a healthy lifestyle? What about customizing prescription drugs to work better based on individual body chemistry and metabolism?

Not acknowledging that ancestral heritage (race) can effect one's genetics, and therefore one's physical state and how it should be cared for, is about as archaic as the doctors who treated pregnancy like a disease because it was not a natural state to the male half of the population.
The "injustice"? For publishing a racialist manifesto like this. I think he'll get over it. The black men who were killed by police won't, because they're dead.
Look, when you say racist things like this, and look for racist stuff like this, and argue in favor of it- then you can't complain when people call you a racist.
Valzeras's avatar
He didn't post a racialist manifesto, he just stated his scientific findings at the time.He's not some Anders Breivik or Adolf Hitler.
Zigholtul88's avatar
I seriously have to wonder if some of the members here are dreaming of a potential race war to occur in the near future in which they slaughter countless people. I hate to say it but at this point in time that ship has long sailed and even then should it ever occur it would barely last for long since the majority of society (at least to my knowledge) aren't too racist to the point where they wanna kill others. Most people would rather stay home, have sex, play videogames and drink up all the Dr. Pepper in their refrigerator.
Valzeras's avatar
You're right about that last part, that's why I said that it'll happen if the economy ever collapse.It happens to all multiracial empires throughout history, even the British empire, Ottoman Empire and Soviet Union.Even prison populations self segregate since there's no economic incentive to work together.

Once people go hungry and not having entertainment to distract them, it's gonna happen.
intermetal's avatar
No, we need the Social Justice Inquisition to smoke out any science that strays towards heresy. The whole edifice, the new Cathedral, the religion of Cultural Marxism, depends on people worshipping the God of Equality, who magically made evolution stop at the neck. Anyone who challenges this dogma should be Richwined at the stake! Repeat the Creedo of Holy Goodthink: We are all the same. Diversity is our greatest strength. Herp derp. Amen.
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
Possibly, but suppose a scientist researched the Flynn Effect (if IQ is an acceptable measure of intelligence) in both developed and developing countries and found that the Flynn Effect was waning in the former, but still strong in the latter. The conclusion could be nutritional, disease, parent's literacy levels etc have a greater population affect on IQ, in comparison to genetics. What would be your response - Marxist propaganda?
Valzeras's avatar
The response to that would be The Bell Curve.
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
There are stupid people in every population
intermetal's avatar
But not in the same proportions to the population size.…
intermetal's avatar
It is not good enough to say that there are smart and dumb people in all races. This is obviously true, but the proportions and averages vary, and to deny that is to preach falsehood. 
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
The averages may, that was the point of your image, if IQ is a satisfactory test of intelligence but the proportions should not, in each population (if the population size is large enough) the dumb component should equal the smart component.
CouchyCreature's avatar
Just another made-up chart with no statistical backbone.
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
The scary thing is, the chart is not made up, but it is more important to consider where this chart came from, and the "research" used to support it.
CouchyCreature's avatar
It may as well be. My point was that I could easily produce a similar chart that showed totally different curves and information, and it would be as real as that one. No chart has relevance unless the statistics used to produce are able to be analysed. A graphic without data is just a picture.
LazyBoneArtist's avatar
I agree, (if IQ is a real measure of intelligence - which is another point altogether) this graph could just be showing a very sad state of play 
aillin1's avatar

I will not waste too much time in this discussion because I find myself repulsed by the overall direction this discussion is going, however;

The idea that there is a genetic justification for the inequality or separation of races is the precise reason men like Himmler in the 1940s thought it right to place hundreds of thousands from various ethnic groups and physically/mentally "inferior" individuals into death camps.
Oppenheimer (who was the lead developper of the atomic bomb in 1945) once asked; why should we discover something which serves only to destroy lives rather than improve them?

So, how can the knowledge that some races have dispositions to certain physical or mental conditions be relevant to improving our lives as a whole? Where I am standing, it serves only to help someone justify another Holocaust or Racial Segregation.
nerofly's avatar
I think you've just made the OP's point.

Surely expanding the breadth of human knowledge is a worthwhile endeavour in itself? Deciding that something shouldn't be investigated because it might challenge your worldview is really no different than the Inquisition's judgement against Galileo.

With regards to this particular issue, even if it was proven that a genetic predisposition to intelligence was more pronounced in certain racial groups, you cannot deduce from this that certain groups can't be academically successful. It's obvious from observation that all races are represented at the very top and very bottom of the academic range, even if on average there is some disparity, for which genetics will be one factor.