First Anti-Corruption Act Passes

hustlerdu's avatar…

Tallahasee just passed the first city anti-Corruption Act in the United States. Victory for the public over special interests.

Cuts the amount of money politicians can take from donors by 75%, and creates a citizen funding system to make campaigns more viable to fund without having to sellout to big private interests. 

What do you think? Good? Bad? Effective? Will it achiever larger success nationally? discuss...
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hannoth's avatar
never trust it when the people in power say they should have less power.
Karinta's avatar
JustinMLindner's avatar
Florida still sucks and will remain corrupt. 
rockstar1009's avatar

Florida doing something right? There's no way it will stick. :lol:
JustinMLindner's avatar
no way in hell... 
Karinta's avatar
WolfySpice's avatar
No doubt the US Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional for inhibiting 'free speech'.
hustlerdu's avatar
ugh, probably 
I look forward to seeing it working, but with the current Supreme Court, I don't know if it will actually stick around long enough to be effective.