An alternative to the prison system.

infinitetolerance's avatar
It costs on average at least $30,000 to a year to house an inmate.  This is a poor expenditure of money and we should use an alternative and not use imprisonment at all except as a means to further the punishment if the criminal does not accept the alternative.

I suggest a combination of four things.

1.  Forced Meditation
Meditation has been prove to reduce the crime and dangerous accidents of OTHER people. (the people not doing the meditating.) including war attacks.  This would obviously mean that it would reduce the crimes or more accurately, the violence of the criminal.

2.  Electronic Chip Implants
The whereabouts of the recipient would be known at all times.  Thus if a crime was committed by the criminal it would be very easy to show guilt.  This would reduce crime.

3.  Community Service.
Nobody wants to do this shit.  But it would be free labor and a lot of man-hours of work could be completed this way.

4.  Longer Probation Periods
This, again, is a form of punishment without prison.  Drug tests could be performed monthly.  This would reduce drug abuse.

Now the only problem is to figure out in what combination and for how long.
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Internetexplorer968's avatar
1. It would probably kill them if it was invented then used. Overdose and and heath issues.
2. How are you going to invent a chip that doesn't corrode and poison the person?
3. Sure.
4. ...
Piablo's avatar
Though these points seem to be a good natured attempt at proposing solutions, I can't wrap my mind around any one of them being particularly helpful. It seems to me that, no offense to you, but, it's presumptuous and privileged to toss around all encompassing solutions to individually unique problems. Meditation is beneficial, yes, IF one chooses to practice the discipline, otherwise it is the equivalent of a time out. You can not force inner growth, you just can't. Electronic chips? If you knew the structure of crime and what a crime is, you'd understand it to change through time and space, making it a social construct- nothing tangible and finite. If it was lawful to own slaves 200 years ago but not today, then ALL law must be treated as temporary and subject to change under certain conditions. Therefor, who gets the chip and who doesn't? What of the laws and policies that would push their ways in as means to 'implant-chip' as many citizens as possible, before the masses catch on? Community Service : I like volunteering and know many others that do as well. Maybe you mean community service to be the least desirable chores of all... like scraping roadkill from a busy freeway or picking up litter. If this is what you meant.... congratulations! it's likely too late for you, they have programmed you meticulously to believe that, because someone is incarcerated, they owe society... they owe YOU in some way. This is how and why slavery is alive and well in America. In fact, it is still right there in our constitution. You didn't think the elite would just carry on without their slaves did you? They just shifted gears to stay with the times. Dominantly people of color, our poverty level class is being criminalized for being and exploited for free labor. Finally, longer probation periods..... ask a probation officer what they feel about  that. What we need is to bolster education, primarily the kids but, also, educate the inmates themselves. Give them legitimate opportunity to 'rehabilitate' and feel as good about themselves as possible when coming back to be productive in society. Your heart is there, I mean no ill will or insult.... please educate yourself further on these matters. Namaste'
DaintyDinah's avatar
Death Penalty for murderers & penal servitude for everyone else - the best alternatives !
aphrodite-designs's avatar
Make them smoke weed :weed: Woohooooo! 
infinitetolerance's avatar
definitely a good idea

nightchildmoonchild's avatar
Dig, not did, damn it
nightchildmoonchild's avatar
Make the perps did holes in the sand until the supervising warden finds a treasure chest.
wquon's avatar
id also like to bring back public hanging & lashings. prisons shouldnt be as comfortable as they are, you should have PTSD & never want to go back.... ever. instead we have school, paid work, health care, counseling, television, internet... for "free"
AviKohl's avatar
Repeal all drug laws and get the corporate influence out. Then we can talk alternatives.
Shidaku's avatar
1: meditation is cheap, I could certainly agree that 'silent contemplation time' could be enforced upon prisoners without much, if any added cost.

2: Good GPS tracking chips are expensive, and it's not just the chips, it's the tracking software, the monitoring equipment, the satellites, the guys watching the data, etc...  I'd question if this would actually lower costs.  There'd still essentially be a 'prison' if it was nothing more than a giant data center filled with techies watching "crime time" tv.  We'd still need prisons of course, there are some people, if however few of them, that are too dangerous for society.  We'd also have to ensure the chips are implanted somewhere so as they are difficult to remove.  I would wager they'd have to be placed on the inside of the ribs, secured to a bone.  Small implants can tend to 'drift' over time, especially RFID chips in animals.  This adds an expensive and potentially dangerous surgery into the costs.  So again I question if this is truly cheaper.

3: Most minor offenders do this.  Chain-gangs basically went away when we cut costs and there were no longer enough cops/wardens to watch the prisoners while they picked up trash.  For non-violent, petty crime offenders I have no problem with community service, work-release programs and anything that makes these people productive members of society.

4: Assuming drugs were the problem of course.  Lets say their problem was something a little worse, like rape or murder.  Probation works but like any form of prison-outside-of-prison, there's essentially an increase in tracking costs because now we have to pay people to watch them while they're at home, and have enough people to actually watch all these folks, then to have half a dozen or so patrol a few hundred in a concrete hallway.
infinitetolerance's avatar
good post
probably the best one in this thread

I will respond and say that the cost thing for any of the alternatives would be cheaper, but yes, it still costs something.

I think the best idea is the implants as this would ensure no further crimes would be committed.

And then meditation.  I didn't really specify what type of meditation but I was thinking holosync.  All you need is headphones.  Since all you have to do is hear the sounds coming from the headphones, it could be forced.  And, fyi, that shit gets you in a deeper meditative trance than a zen Buddhist monk with 20 years of experience.
Shidaku's avatar
Well, to be accurate, nothing will stop crime short of pre-crime or thoughcrime, neither of which I like the idea of.  It will just make it easier to catch criminals.  But it presents a problem as well.  Lets say Bob the criminal goes to Wal-Mart, chances are there is at least one other criminal in that store at the same time.  One of them robs the store.  GPS devices are good....but often only accurate down to 40 feet or so, and that's a big enough margin that Bob could be arrested for Joe's crime.  And of course, you'd need to be able to remove the chip once the sentence has been served.

The problem with forced meditation is that we'd need some way to ensure the "sounds" they're hearing are actually just meditative sounds and not some sort of mind-influencing stuff.  Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can easily be misused while a person is in a trance.
TheGreatMC's avatar
I'm genuinely surprised you didn't bothered to include drug intake as a possible viable option. :iconimhighplz:
orochibi's avatar
Chip implants. Yep.
Community service. Yep.
I also recommend something (that may sound harsh). Obligatory organ donation and being a test subject (for bigger criminals). They did bad things, now they can be forced to do things beneficial to society to keep the balance. Yin yang and stuff.
Cethlenn's avatar
Not putting people in gaol for minor offenses would be a good start. I think gaols are needed for very serious crimes like murder, rape etc.
bedroom-inc's avatar
Gaol is another word for prison. :p
infinitetolerance's avatar
Gaol.  not on my spellcheck
Cethlenn's avatar
I'm Australian, we are generally taught to spell it this way, although younger people are taught to spell it with American English. Gaol is the English term and one that was used when I was in primary school.
Driftwood-Thrones's avatar
We need a clearer focus on rehabilitation and reintegration so that prisoners don't get out and go right back to crime. Some criminals obviously are not rehabilitatable (or are so horrible that they don't deserve to be, even if they are), however.
infinitetolerance's avatar
Do you realize meditation would help with that?
Driftwood-Thrones's avatar
Meditation and yoga can be helpful in relieving anger issues and the likes, but it doesn't provide knowledge and skills necessary to stay out of trouble. Education is a more effective means of rehabilitation.