What feminism topics would you like to see on youtube?

LogicalWomen's avatar
As I've said here: forum.deviantart.com/community… I am starting a youtube channel about feminism.

Thus far I have scripts written for the following subjects:
1.) The introduction to the channel
2.) Why misandrists are not feminists
3.) What feminists and MRA's have in common 

Of course I'm going to cover other more common feminist topics like women lacking rights in places like Saudi Arabia and how gender stereotypes can be harmful. Also in light of the complaints forum thread by AdventuresOfMimi I plan to do a video on self-defense methods against sexual violence without putting the onus on the victim.

What issues do you think that feminists typically overlook that should be addressed? What common issues do you feel are necessary to repeat talking about?
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AwakenedGuardian's avatar
I'd like to see feminists getting publically strung up and hanged like the shameless filthy cunts and whores that they are! I hope you all fucking die!
Princess-Amy's avatar
I would like to see some feminist bondagettes talk about their role in their relationships with men.

LOVE9654's avatar
I would like to see a video on why idiots hate feminism, I really would. And a video about why feminist are not men haters.
ZeroBelow00's avatar
I'm really impressed how you pointed out the distinction between Misandrist and Feminist while also comparing the non misandrist feminism to MRA.

That all by itself should be a huge improvement out of a lot of whats on youtube.

I get the impression that sexism and stereotypes against one gender will reinforce it against another, hence they are inseparable and until men and women come together to fight for each other then it will never end.
ArtisticAxis's avatar
What feminism topics would you like to see on youtube?

Seeing as how most of them spout shit opinions that mindless sheep (youtubers) then regurgitate across the entire website, I'd like to say "None".

It's not my cup of tea. But, hey, I'm not going to stop you.
HGWizard's avatar
I think a good topic, which is something I've been pondering myself, is how sex & sexuality are demonized in society and if it can be linked to a lot of problems that both men and women face. That type of mentality was often used to justify a lot of misandry and misogyny, as well as a lot of the justification behind homophobia as well.

The problems I think that type of mindset causes, which from my own perspective, I was indoctrinated frequently that having sexual attraction towards women was evil horrible thoughts, and that I was going to hell for having such thoughts. People would have sex for any reason other than pro-creation was a shameful and disgusting act. Unfortunately, perverse thoughts are a natural part of puberty and having them after being raised on the mindset that  sex is evil caused me significant mental and anxiety problems growing up, and it was a difficult mindset to unlearn.

I think such a cultural mindset is bad for women too. It's often what justifies a lot of slut-shaming and misogyny in modern society. That a pregnancy prior to marriage is shamed, that a woman shouldn't have access to contraceptives, victim blaming, etc. You notice a lot of misogynistic viewpoints or statements are rooted by the belief that sex is bad.

As for homophobia, if you read a lot of things that try to demonize homosexuality, it's always mentions anal sex, and fetishes like BDSM, and sex acts like pissing and pooping on their partner. These types of sex acts are often practiced by heterosexual couples, but because the homophobe wishes to demonize the gay man, he will make arguments that it's a common practice by homosexuals. Fortunately, the attitude towards homosexuality is getting more and more tolerant, but as a straight man being told my sexual feelings were evil, I can imagine the unjustified guilt a homosexual has to go through growing up in such an environment is so much worse.

That's my opinion of course. I don't think we can put an end to sexism until we have a more relaxed and accepting attitude towards the act of sex itself.
RobStrand's avatar
What feminism topics would you like to see on youtube?

How about none.  I would rather watch silly cat videos. 
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Sinornithosaurus's avatar
Since when is the US army feminist?
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Sinornithosaurus's avatar
the "feminist" us army

And there are many more people supporting the US army than feminists.
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Sinornithosaurus's avatar
Not anymore than you know the usage of capitalized letters .;,;.
i-stamp's avatar
How blog feminists have very little to do with women who are actually out there at symposiums and political delegations affecting real change. How little MRA impact feminist talks outside a select few social media. And, in general, how anemic and impotent internet feminist discussions are. 
ZevTheClusterLizard's avatar
- famous Lizard feminists, and famous female lizards in general  
- Lizard feminism theory 101
- Sexism in the lizard community 

By the way, since Cluster Lizards have at leats 7 genders in our species, do you think we should also have You Tube videos for the other five sexes, instead of just feminism and MRAs among lizards? 
Ragerancher's avatar
I guess discuss the fact that equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are not the same. You could highlight that some feminists simply want the same rights as men whilst others want the same outcomes. Men and women are different, there is no denying that. To expect different groups to end up exactly the same never works. For example, feminists may argue it's bad that CEOs are mostly male yet when have they taken issue with the army being mostly male, manual labourers being mostly male, police, firefighters, binmen etc. It's all very well pointing out men have the jobs right at the top whilst ignoring they make up a large portion of the jobs right at the bottom or the most dangeorus ones too.
TimLavey's avatar
Oh, oh! I'd also like to see a feminist say that the label doesn't really matter when all is said and done. It's just a label and if people as this and not that it doesn't matter as long as we find common ground and work together from there. I do know though the label is GOD, so I don't really expect to see that either.
LogicalWomen's avatar
That's kind of what I was going for when making the script for what feminists and MRA's have in common.
TimLavey's avatar
I have to check out your channel then when you've uploaded some videos. Maybe I'll be gladly surprised.
LogicalWomen's avatar
Alright here's the link. Only 3 videos so far. www.youtube.com/channel/UCvY50…
TimLavey's avatar
Damn. That's really sensible feminism. I knew you weren't like many other feminists, but I didn't knew you leaned that far to the side of reason. I have no argument. I agree with the position. I do find the term feminism devisive and unnecessarily though, but I've never been much for labels anyway.
TimLavey's avatar
I'd like to see a feminist unapologetically tear apart stupid things other feminists say, but I have to wait a long time to see something like that I suppose.
LogicalWomen's avatar
Well you know I have no problems doing that. Though I would address the arguments they make instead of the people themselves. 
Maybe you could discuss different types of feminism? A lot of people treat feminism as one giant group of identical people and don't understand that some feminists disagree with each other on several issues. Like, you could cover the topic of essentialism vs. anti-essentialism, but break it down so someone new to feminism would understand and also explain why it's important to understand the distinction. Even though this might not be the best example since most feminists seem to have embraced anti-essentialism since Judith Butler.