Are Men too Desperate for Sex? There is a Solution.

TBSchemer's avatar
Men need sex. Not in the sense that we need food and water to live, but it the sense that a person needs food every day to feel satisfied, or needs to urinate before their bladder reaches the bursting point, or needs to scratch a giant, persistent itch on their nose, or needs to speak their mind when feeling offended. It's not a need for survival, but a need for normal operation and interaction in society. It's an evolved biological imperative that must be fulfilled for the sake of psychological health.

That being said, nobody's needs trump anybody else's rights. Just as your need for food does not give you a right to violate others' property rights and steal for it, a man's need for sex does not give him a right to take away a woman's right to do with her body as she wishes. There is NO justification for taking what you need from someone else without their permission. When we allow this, civilization breaks down.

So men are naturally desperate for sexual interactions that women have a right to not give them. How do we resolve this? There is a simple solution that nobody seems to be talking about:

If prostitution were legal everywhere, men would not be so desperate for sex.
More of the men who engage in sexual harassment would instead take their feelings to the brothel, where women are perfectly happy to indulge them for a price. This would allow men to take care of their biological needs in private, at the times when they most need it, without feeling the need to break down the boundaries of civilization to get it. Fewer women would feel like they are under constant assault from every guy around.

However, this alone would not have stopped Elliot Rodger. He clearly needed more than just sex to achieve sanity. If sex was all he needed, he could have roadtripped to Reno, NV and paid for it. Every weekend, if he wanted. It would have cost less than the insurance payments on his BMW. What he needed was self-validation. He needed to stop feeling inferior to everyone else, even if it was nothing more than a psychosis.

So legalizing prostitution alone would not have stopped these murders. But normalizing prostitution might have. If our society were to see prostitution not as a moral failing, but as a rational, common way to take care of our biological needs and get back to acting civilized, then fewer men would develop these inferiority complexes over issues of sex. And the first step to making it normal is of course to legalize it everywhere. The more men that use it, the fewer that would feel like a failure for having to use it.

So my simple proposal is to legalize prostitution and stop treating it as shameful. I truly believe it could give us a far more civilized society. What do you all think?
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gvcci-hvcci's avatar
Are you implying that there aren't men who have a low libido? 
TBSchemer's avatar
No, I'm not. But I am suggesting that libido can have deep emotional and psychological effects on men. People who are dismissive of a man's desire for sex are acting just as offensively as those who slut-shame women, or ridicule women who venture into "traditionally male" careers. If a man who has an emotional need for sex cannot ever find a socially-accepted way to obtain it, that is a serious problem deserving of attention.
gvcci-hvcci's avatar
So... it's everyone's responsibility to make sure men get laid, gotcha. 
TBSchemer's avatar
No. That's not what I said. Going back to the analogies I used, is it everybody's responsibility to ensure that a woman can succeed in a male-dominated career? Certainly not. It's her responsibility. But it's certainly nothing to laugh at if she runs into obstacles.
gvcci-hvcci's avatar
But like you're literally comparing women not being able to succeed in a patriarchal society to guys not getting laid.  :O_o: 
TBSchemer's avatar
And I'm saying your surprise at this comparison betrays a lack of understanding of the emotional and psychological effects that it can have on a young man to have biological needs that he has never been able to fulfill. And then society just tells him to suppress it. 
nicolelis's avatar
I read some papers on effects of legalizing prostitution on crime (I searched it in google scholar thing for a presentation during a class on women's health but I don't have those papers right now and can't remember the titles for the papers.). Those papers primarily analyzed cases of Germany and the Netherlands. Those papers said that legalizing prostitution did not have any effect in reducing crime related to prostitution or sex but did increase tax revenue substantially. Also, the papers I read said that legalizing prostitution protected prostitutes' rights in some extents (but also increased human trafficking.)

I feel that legalizing prostitution might be good for economy and protecting prostitutes' rights if laws and regulations are effectively enforced but I don't really see legalizing prostitution will decrease crime.

*Just a note. In most countries that have legalized prostitution, prostitution were seen as kind of acceptable profession and it looked like such societies saw prostitution as something not very shameful or illegal. Still, despite such atmosphere and legalization of prostitution, many papers did suggest that there are not much association between prostitution and decrease in crime related to sex.
DruidPeter's avatar
So somehow this thread went from:

1. Prostitution should be legal.


2. "I'm not attacking evoloution, don't come after my faith.

Lol. I'm not sure if the original poster was serious or not, but I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Here's a tip: If you're really that desperate to have sex, just videotape it and upload it to a porn site. As long as she's over 18, you'll be in the clear, legally speaking.

Now go forth and fap, brave soldier!
neurotype-on-discord's avatar
There's evidence that when prostitution was unregulated in Rhode Island, the incidence of rapes compared to other forms of violent crime dropped noticeably.
Otterwillow's avatar
I'm sorry but the sort of people who sexualy harrass others don't do it because of sexual desire or fustration but for control and power- the same as rape, no amount of prostration would stop this,
and you would be exposing inosent women to danger without solving the root of the problem- some men are taught to see women as objects,

And nether men nor women need sex to be happy and forfilled, we are not animals and there is a little thing called self control and not all of us want sex, and there more to life than sex, oddly-
and ladies do like hankey-pankey too as well by the way, gay sex also exists as doses masturbation-

Lastly prostution would be horrible to try and regulate and make sure no one gets abused or hurt or spread STDs, support for abotuons and birth control
JoeBostonPhotography's avatar
Actually, humans are animals. Hate to break it to you.
Otterwillow's avatar
yep, I'm going to admit I've worded most this really badly and explained=P (Razz)  badly actually
TBSchemer's avatar
It's for control and power over order to fulfill their sexual frustrations. Turns out, prostitution gives someone the capability to have that sort of control in a mutually agreeable arrangement.

Illegal prostitution is dangerous. Legal prostitution? Not so much.

Actually, yes, men (and many women, including my wife!) do need sex to be happy and fulfilled. A lack of desire or need for sex isn't "self-control." Self-control is having that need, yet choosing not to fulfill it by violating the rights of others. That doesn't mean the need goes away. It just means you're stuck with emotional starvation unless you can find a voluntary arrangement. And no, masturbation does not fulfill the same emotional need as sex. Prostitution provides a more accessible means to fulfill that need in a voluntary way.

Who are you proposing "regulate" prostitution? I sure hope you're not talking about the government, considering the shit-show they've created out of our health care system, our financial system, our education system, and everything else they have ever tried to regulate.
Otterwillow's avatar
It has nothing to do with sex or frustration, sorry, and to say so may suggest there is some kind of excuse for such vile behaviour,

'I felt like I needed sexy time so she\he should have let me cause I was frustrated at not having any sex'

It is not an excuse.

Just because someone wants sex doesn't mean they are suffering somehow, I want sex at some point and I'm not emotionally devastated, I can wait until I find a nice guy or girl or whatever- its not killing me not to, there no gaping hole in my soul from lack of emotional pleasure,
Not everyone needs sex feel forfilled in there life:-P

I'm not saying don't have sex, I'm just saying that sex is a want not a need and a want doesn't require something like prostution that would be horrible to regulate-
and I don't know anything about government where you are but some regulations would be needed to prevent unwanted pregnancy and get contraception and pscological care, if you want any business to work you need to protect the employees from harm and that needs paper work I'm afraid ;-)

And there is exactly the same amount of sexual harassment in country's with legalised prostution, and if you want emotials connecting sex, find someone to love and then have sex, self control is wating for the right person, its more special when its special :-)
TBSchemer's avatar
Where did I say it was an excuse? Go on and quote my words back to me, because I don't see it.

See, you're a woman. You don't feel the gaping hole from an inability to have sex that men typically feel. Women don't often try to understand this natural feeling that men have. They just ridicule it and tell men to suppress their natural urges, just as misogynists did to women in centuries past.
Otterwillow's avatar
look, I feel I've really not made what im saying that clear,

I don't have a problem with prostitution, but I think that we do need to make sure that some sort of sytem is in place to protect from STDs and to get easy healthcare,

the thing is saying that sexual frustration is a reason for any kind of unwanted sexual touching is giving someone accused of it leeway even if we say its wrong,

but since when are men and women so different we can't understand each other?
there is nothing wrong with sexual urges and I'm not telling anyone to supress anything but you don't repeset all men as I don't represent all females,

look, this probably isn't going to go anywhere, I'm not explaining  very well, and to be honest I shouldn't have really got into any of this with my lack of sense making,
lets just finish up and agree that were probably both kind of right=P (Razz) 
Notorius-Quack's avatar
First I do believe it would be better if some men don't believe themselves as animals who can't live without sex. Is it really so hard??? Really?? Because that's the first argument of molesters: "because she was tempting them with her short clothes"...really?? maybe it was because it was summer...

In my country prostitution is legal but not pimps, because that end up in sexual slavery. It's not always,but sometimes they use drugs to slave their prostitutes so they even give herself for free. Also sometimes they have a lot of conexions so even if you want to quit you can't especially if you are one in the ranking top, they will follow and treat you, it's not so easy as it sounds.

Even if prostitution is legal we still have a lot of cases of rapes and sexual assaults, and also a big sexual child prostiution problem in the jungle.

So if you want sex so much, maybe you should find a partner who want to have sex as much as you...
TBSchemer's avatar
But men are animals who can't feel self-empowered and secure without sex. You can find comparable animalistic impulses in women, too. That's the thing- humans are animals.

Civilization isn't about denying that these deeply-rooted, emotional needs. It's about acknowledging that these needs exist, and then recognizing that any transactions we make to fulfill any of our needs must be voluntary on both sides. If an 18 year old guy needs sex to find emotional fulfillment, and a woman wants to make him happy for a price, why shouldn't there be a voluntary exchange.

I found a partner who wants sex more frequently than I do, and I married her.
HerbalDrink's avatar
"But men are animals who can't feel self-empowered and secure without sex"

Hello. My name is HerbalDrink. Pleased to meet you. Allow me to introduce you to a load of men I know who have never desired sex or realized that it simply wasn't fun at all or only used it to have children - which is its biological function. (You're not feeling it because of sex - you're feeling it because of dopamine.)

If you ever tried to make anyone have sex with me, there's a pretty big chance someone will wind up with a black eye as I try to get the hell out of there. (But who would believe me... if a man is sexually harassed, he is greeted with uproarious laughter as he tries to get consequences taken against him. Because he's supposed to want it, ignoring the obvious logic that if he wanted it, why would he be here complaining?)
Notorius-Quack's avatar
Ok I agree. But I do say that the law should be pretty specific and not have open holes so it doesn't end up in white-slave trade.

Actually I can't relate ...but I do understand your reasoning and I suppose that would be the normal thing for human beings. 

But what I am also saying is that wanting sex, prostitution and rape doesn't need to be in a direct ratio, because if that was true then rapes wouldn't happen in my country and actually rapes against underage women is the 78% that's because in rapists mind they don't want to just sastify theirselves but feel empowered by taking advantage of vulnerable people, becuase they are fucked up and twisted, and probably if they go out they will do it again.

So that's it.

BTW good for you!!  :)
theBlackWolff's avatar
In opposition to what you claim:
We're not ALL like that. You're talking about perverts. Some of us were raised up right.
TBSchemer's avatar were raised to suppress and deny your natural urges? You must have a tormented subconscious.
theBlackWolff's avatar
Suppress? Yes. Deny? Not exactly. Just holding off until the honeymoon.