Should Transgender people be given the right to use any bathroom they wish?

faiyefire's avatar
Note: My girlfriend is trans so I am completely for it because she doesn't feel comfortable going into the boys bathroom. What do you think?
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JamieAgathaRose's avatar
I think we need to have a discussion about transgenders that doesn't involve toilets...
Diacraft's avatar
"My girlfriend is trans"
"Female/United States"

You're a lesbian dating a man who wants to be a woman, and you're a furry?

Fuck this, everyone should just crap on the side of the road.
StrandedTal's avatar
faiyefire's avatar
Not exactly how I would put it. Cause she never identified as a man so your kinda wrong.
Diacraft's avatar
How is she trans if she's still a she? I assumed when you said 'trans girlfriend' that 'girl' was what they wanted to be.
faiyefire's avatar
That is because she identifies as a woman, her anatomy was a male when she was born but she never thought of herself as a man or boy. Did I clarify that a little better?
Diacraft's avatar
No, I understood that from the beginning.
EnaLorde's avatar
I live in Canada and transgender people already have this right, but since they have allowed transgenders to go piddle wherever they choose, crops have stopped growing, the sea's have boiled. Milk comes from the cows and turns instantly sour and the sky has turned green with streaks of brown! No one works anymore and the whole country is falling into anarchy!
SwordOfScotland's avatar
I think that they should be able to use any Port-A-John® they choose to use.
FauxMulder's avatar
Yes but unisex bathrooms are not the answer. I often see that as a solution but there are so many cons that outweigh the pros on that one.
angelxxuan's avatar
to be honest, a lot of places and bathrooms these days are opening it up for a universal bathroom, where boys and girls can feel comfortable without freaking out and/or not feeling comfortable in going into the proper bathroom or the other one, etc and so forth.  but this was long before the transgender thing became a really important decision and/or factor.  sometimes they were doing it so women can take their little boys to the bathroom instead of dragging them into the girl's bathroom with them (for whatever the reason/s they deem themselves they have to do this), space, convenience, etc. 

besides, I've been in a few boy bathrooms when I was a real young one, when the girl's is broken and you got to go ! but I didn't freak out but felt it sort of sad boys don't got privacy like girls do (don't freak a guy went in first to make certain there wasn't anyone in there).  so, to be honest, start looking for universal and/or private bathrooms and so forth.  for those companies that still offer boy or girl, use the one you feel comfortable using, if they ask then talk to them about it.  they raise a stink, don't get upset, just leave and never go back.  I don't shop anywhere I can't be myself or go at my own pace, etc.
XxFallen-bloodXx's avatar
of course i do that Q-Q its fun boys are like are you a girl and i will say i am both cx
CowboyBebop2's avatar
Better idea. Get rid of gender segregated restrooms all together. Problem solved! Mabelpines 
TheButtfish's avatar
yeah man i want to be able to scope out chicks poopin!  WHAT ABOUT MY RIGHTS YOU FACISTS
kit-kat-ari's avatar
Of course they should. There are many cisgender people who are extremely uncomfortable with this idea, claiming that it's somehow dangerous for cis men or cis women to share bathrooms with trans individuals... as if they could somehow know whether someone within a private, closed bathroom stall is trans. 

The irony is, cis people act like trans people are dangerous, but cis people aren't the ones being attacked. It's trans people being harassed, hurt, and even killed for going to the "wrong" bathrooms. 

I also think there should be individual gender neutral bathrooms wherever possible in case trans people feel unsafe or like they don't fit the gender binary. 
zodiacgal's avatar
Personally, I think unisex bathrooms would be the easiest solution. The reason I say this is because then everyone would be used to sharing the same restroom with the other gender then. 

I mean, if I was in the women's restroom and I saw a man walk in, I'd honestly be afraid that he might rape me. It's probably an irrational fear, but still. It has nothing to do with whether the person is transgendered or not, it's just that a man is in a woman's restroom, and why would he be there? 

Whereas with unisex restrooms seeing both genders would be normal, so women or men wouldn't freak out at seeing the other gender in the same restroom. We would, in a way, be desensitized to that stuff, and probably trust each other more. 

I hope that all made sense somehow. .3.
TheButtfish's avatar
ahahah "I'd freak out if i saw a man in my shitter EXCEPT if the shitter didn't have a little girl picture on the door."

TheButtfish's avatar
that's a good start, but it's too restrictive.  what if you're just feeling a little girlish one day and want to go sit in the women's locker room at the Y?  BIGOTS and RACISTS tell me i can't do that because it's upsetting to women, but who are they to tell me I can't do that just because i squeal like a girl when excited?  Everybody has human rights, and we should all have the right to invade other people's privacy and peep at their goonies without having to take hormones or declare ourselves transgender.  Anything less, and it's a slippery slope to a second Holocaust!
Diacraft's avatar
Glue a ton of dildos to a skintight jumpsuit and march around with signs outside the Y. That'll teach them bigots to refuse your human right to use whatever locker room you want.
TheButtfish's avatar
JamieAgathaRose's avatar
This entire debate hinges on the myth that Transgenders are going into the bathroom because they want to peek at ladies on the toilet.

Honestly, have we not grown past this kind of stupidity yet?
TheButtfish's avatar
if anyone is doing any peeking, it's the LADIES (they all have a case of penis envy)