Save Dutch! (PLEASE READ! Very Important!)

MichaelWolfHeart's avatar

An Army Veteran with disabilities is asking for the public's help in saving his service dog, Dutch, from court-ordered euthanasia. After being punched, kicked, and hit with a metal pole for several minutes, Dutch bit his attacker and has now been accused of being a "vicious" dog.

Dutch is a 4-year-old American Allaunt, who is a registered service dog and an important part of Jeremy Aguilar's life. According to the Aguilars, Dutch has never shown any aggressive behavior before or after the incident and is a certified AKC Canine Good Citizen.

Jeremy served in the Army, and fought in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He also was also deployed to Hurricane Katrina with the Oklahoma National Guard, which was the first unit to show up. Dutch came into Jeremy's life a month after he married his wife Heather three years ago. Heather says that Dutch has been "the most therapeutic thing that could have ever happened" to her husband.
Please sign this petition and save this dog guys..... Please. Dutch has done nothing wrong. He only defended himself. This is very important to me, Dutch is a great dog. Oh, the 'Victim,' Also submitted a report on what she said had happened. Which was proved wrong later, She said she had hit him with a "Light-weight Tiki pole," And that supposedly made his entire face swell up, Along with blood strewn across hos face? I think not. There is even an image of the bent metal pole. Please sign this petition so the veteran that owns Dutch is not jailed, And save Dutch from being put down himself. Please please please. He only has 1 day left before his execution, Sign the petition. Save a life. We need heroes in this world, The law never enforced justice, We have to act. As the only people left who knows what's right.
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namenotrequired's avatar
Sorry, I'll have to close this thread for you as this belongs to your journal :) Please see Forum Posting Guidelines - Politics Forum which you can find to the top of this forum.

gamelno's avatar
Abstract-Mindser's avatar
I was hoping this was actually going to involve THE Dutch, rather than some dumb dog.
MichaelWolfHeart's avatar
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. And this is not some, 'Dumb Dog.' I hate it when people regard to dogs as worthless. They're not, And they have just as much of a right to live as any human.
Abstract-Mindser's avatar
So I'll be sure to inform someone on death row that they deserve to live.

Seems logical to me!
DoctorV23's avatar
While this petition may be for a good cause, dA requires discussion value in these forums rather than just an invitation to a petition, even if the cause is good.
MichaelWolfHeart's avatar
I understand, I'm still new to these forums so I constantly get these things wrong. I'm sorry, What would you propose I do?
dregs-of-humanity's avatar
"Very Important!"

no its really not, keep it in your journal.
MichaelWolfHeart's avatar
It is. Shut the fuck up. People are trying to save a life, If you don't want a part of it, Keep off this pagr.
dregs-of-humanity's avatar
No its really not important, millions of dogs are euthanised everyday in your shithole country and the vast majority of them haven't been involved in violent attacks against humans.
MichaelWolfHeart's avatar
While I disagree with your arguement about my country, That is beside the point.
And the reason for that is that people don't even seem to care anymore, They won't even attempt to build something like this to save a part of their family. If more people did, There would be much less euthanizations in general.
maddmatt's avatar
After hitting him failed to faze the dog, she grabbed the pole from a tiki torch to force him off the other dog, then dragged him into her home. He bit the woman in her thigh as she was trying to clean blood from the fight off of him.

The bite sank to the bone, and she had to put her hands in his mouth to pry him off. When she retreated toward her bedroom, she tripped, and Dutch attacked again, biting her buttock, again penetrating to the bone, authorities said. When she tried to pry his jaws off her, Dutch bit her finger so hard it caused a compound fracture and severed an artery.

Dutch kept slamming his body into her bedroom door after she made it inside the room. He bit also furniture and later attacked the other dog yet again.

No euthanization order has been made.
MichaelWolfHeart's avatar
First of all, The woman changed her story.
From: Beating him until her hands her and the metal pole was bent.
To: Breaking up a dog-fight and cleaning blood off of him to be attacked and pursued.

She admitted herself, That she beat this dog. Then apparently a contradiction in the story goes unnoticed, That her finger was injured. The initial report of the woman's injuries showed that her finger was Not Injured.


"Jeremy was cited with municipal ordinance 6-2-9 (A), Vicious animals. Under this ordinance, "A vicious animal is defined as any animal that, without provocation, bites or attacks persons or other animals." Heather says that although the judge agreed that Dutch was provoked, the ordinance applies to Dutch's case because he did not bite his former owner until they went inside the home and the beating occurred outside of the home. The judge ruled Dutch's bite a separate circumstance from his beating and there is now an active euthanization order for Dutch."
maddmatt's avatar
This story has two sides.

One side says the dog attacked others, and caused severe injuries.

The other side did not witness anything and has nothing to show the official story as false.

If you have a vicious dog, then that needs to be addressed.

In this case can you prove the dog was provoked when attacking the other dog and the woman?
maddmatt's avatar
Authorities said that the woman was breaking up a dogfight when the incident occured and according to her account, Dutch was the aggressor in the matter.

While attempting to break up the fight, the woman sustained severe bites. "She is fortunate to have escaped that attack with her life," said Animal Services Supervisor Mike Duncan. "She loved the dog, but she is very concerned for anyone who is going to be around that dog from now on."
Unvalanced's avatar
Never, never, never break up a dogfight. (That said, I have physically placed myself -between- fighting dogs. I'm a big guy and can take a bite or two, which is about how long it takes me to "convince" them it would be in their best interests to stop.)