Iran's monkey to space launch was fake

fulup's avatar

pathetic country.
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Pakaku's avatar
Sounds like Special Delivery to me
tacosteev's avatar
Their picture that proved their missile capabilities had jar jar binks present. Not sure why you sound so surprised they faked it.
bohobella's avatar
Thought this said Ikea Monkey.

No longer care.
Debit's avatar
Cheap propaganda. If it turns out to be a fake, Iran has lost very little. What it is after:

1. Domestic consumption and distraction. Playing up 'national achievements' is very tempting as it glosses over blemishes.

2. Exploiting modern mass media. Just about anything that enters the public sphere travels at a breakneck speed in an indiscriminate manner. If enough people latch onto such a piece of junk, it will acquire a life of its own.
Cenaris's avatar
What do you expect? They're almost as backwards as North Korea.
Ragerancher's avatar
North korea has been marching backwards at unmatched speed thanks to the guiding light of Kim Jong Un following in the footsteps of his great fathers, the dear leader and the founder of the nation, the great immoral leader Kim Il Sung. Every day the workers and state tierlessly contribute together to drive North Korea further and further back faster than any nation in history.
fulup's avatar
I did not expect them to do something like this, for sure.

It's like they took inspiration from some James-Bond villain.