NYS with the US following

TimberClipse's avatar
As a New York state resident, I was very proud to see that we took the lead with gun control legislation, and that then President Obama followed suit today. 

Some of the main legislative proposals backed by Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are:
    • requiring criminal background checks on all gun sales, including private sales    
    • banning "military-style" assault weapons    
    • limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds      
    • strengthening penalties for gun trafficking 

    New York State is also pushing for additional limits that would require a maximum of 7 round magazines. 

    How do you feel about these changes? Are you glad that after so long the United States is stepping up to the plate or do you feel this is restrictive and unfair? Discuss! But be nice. 
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    RobStrand's avatar
    Sit back, relax, and what your crime rate soar once again.
    GhostInThePines's avatar
    Last time I checked, criminals don't give a damn about any laws let alone gun laws... they'll just get their illegal weapons & accesories on the black market like they always have. Nothing changes with this. It's stupid politics doing things for show and not actually doing anything to solve the problem of gun violence.
    ImprovidentScion's avatar

    Looks like Cuomo had such a massive gun-ban boner to yank that he forgot to exempt law enforcement. Yet again, there is one standard for the rulers (as well as those whose paycheck rides on protecting those rulers), and another standard for the ruled. No matter how many police officers and soldiers assault and murder innocent people every year, the only gun control the progressive airheads want to implement will affect people who don't commit assault and/or murder.

    It's easier to take scary black rifles from people who can accept the loss of that rifle so they can continue putting food on their tables than it is to prevent alienated losers pumped full of psychotropics from getting to a point where they are able to harm others. That way the POTUS can go on TV, pat himself on the back, and along with millions of paranoid soccer moms, sheltered coastal city-dwellers, and other varying grades of hoplophobes say "well, we did something about it" and go home.

    My questions to anti-gun advocates is simply this: When the next mass murder involving a firearm occurs, where would you want to stop in terms of legislation/executive orders?
    Kiwi-Punch's avatar
    Good for New York. The fact of the matter is, that this is only a SMALL STEP in the right direction. Perhaps by limiting guns, we should also look at re-opening mental institutions as well. It's not just guns that are the issue; people sometimes snap for very psychological reasons and need help to control themselves.

    Banning high-powered weaponry and keeping crazies from getting guns is a step in the right direction; but now, it's time to treat those who need to be treated, and to fix this overall culture of violence. Reducing access to high-powered guns is step one out of three.
    sonrouge's avatar
    Define "High-powered weaponry" and "crazies".
    SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
    Do not bother with certain ones. Crazies are those who do not think like them. But a label settled up by an individual with no guts is completely invalid.They seem to hate guns and religion, then pray for somebody to come up with a gun to their rescue if they get robbed.

    It is ok to not like guns, nobody is forcing them to buy one. They just have to maintain their noses out of other people's business.

    Folks like this get eaten in the south for breakfast before they could notice

    How curious the freedom works in some people's minds. Interesting
    sonrouge's avatar
    Oh, I know that. But it's fun sometimes to make them have to define their terms and watch them struggle to do so.
    Yes to all of the above, but without a very strong enforecement clause it would go nowhere. And I'm not worried about congress. They can pass it in the Senate and let the congress vote it down, only for it to be taken up again in January 2015 after the supporters of child murder get thrown out next election.
    kitsumekat's avatar
    In all honest opinion, I wish they would legalize murder. Makes it easier for the gun nuts on here to shoot each other.
    Murder basically has been legalized- it's just been renamed "stand your ground". As much as I understand the excasperation, I would just say that my concern is that the gun nuts aren't killing eachother enough- they're murdering children and turning their weapons against you and me, against Christmas shoppers, movie goers, university students, teachers, their own parents and only after all this slaughter they off themselves to deny justice being done to them on earth.
    Dorsaispirit's avatar
    Just a hint Vision, pretty much the only people that actually choose to actually go against an armed opponent are the police and military. Otherwise, people tend to choose easy targets. That whole self preservation instinct influences their thinking even if they want to die.

    I would much rather find the overall root causes of our country's violence than just blame a gun. Also, I'm sorry, I find it very hard to trust only this government with the only firearms when they refuse to be honest about using drones, wiretaps, or even arming the FDA agents performing health inspections on diary farms. Much less be honest about what they are using drones for in a combat zone. If you trust any government that much, then you have more faith in that than most people place in a god.
    SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
    I think is ridiculous.

    I am glad I live in Redneckland. My friends have arsenals at their homes. The children shoot, the granmas shoot too and we do not have all this messed up school shootings around here.

    If somebody want to go on a spree killing he does not need an armory. You can find other ways, like poisoning food in universities and schools or making homemade bombs. The crazies always find their way to do twisted stuff. It is not as bloody and fast but can be lethal too

    The problem is not the guns themselves, is the society itself. As a foreigner I can see it clearly, because I am not raised here, so I can compare with my society despite being highly Americanized myself: As individuals here are forced to hide their anger and play nice, because reputation (hypocrisy too) seems to be everything or to avoid lawsuits, the anger builds up in the individual and when it is too much to bear, some just snap.
    Mclandis's avatar
    we do not have all this messed up school shootings around here.

    Actually, you do. The south also has a higher homocide rate per 100,000 people than the rest of the country.

    You can find other ways, like poisoning food in universities and schools or making homemade bombs.

    1) Mass poisoning via food is highly unlikely to succeed. Kitchens tend to be packed with employees, so the only way a psychopath could pull that off is if the kitchen staff were all blind or morons. A more likely method is using gas, but seeing as biological and chemical weapons are tightly controlled, that's also unlikely to get anywhere.

    2) Bomb making materials are closely monitored and making effective homemade explosives takes skill, lot of time, and not getting noticed. Once again, not very likely to happen.
    SpaniardWithKnives's avatar
    More homicidal rate does not mean more mass shootings.
    The fact that some media says so does not mean it is true. It can be true or not. I would not trust the statistics or the media, they are notorious for lying. Not conservatives or liberals, all of them.

    The home invasions in my area are low because everybody has an arsenal at home, you just do not bring your arsenal out of your house. Somebody breaks into a house?, well, the owner has the right to blow his head off, after all, nobody is going to break into your home at 3 am to cover you with a blanket and say goodnight. But well, for some media the southerners are just folks who go around shooting each other and such...

    I am not counting killings concerning domestic violence and such, I am counting the spree killings

    1. It is unlikely to happen, but unlikely does not mean impossible, as I said, crazies find their way and sometimes they recruit others to help.

    2. Timoty McVeigh, that madman, made a mess himself with the bombings

    The solution is simple. You do not like guns?. This is like marriage, do not get one, but others will get them
    JackMolotov3's avatar
    I feel glad I don't live in New York State.

    Its terrible we have people who think we can solve social problems, imagined or otherwise with unrelated restrictions.

    I also feel terrible, that people who've held this life long phobia for guns, wait until tragedy strikes to stir emotional sentiment standing on the still warm bodies of victims as podiums, and then try and shout down and harrass the opposition.
    Trorbes's avatar
    What makes you think the only reason one would restrict the proliferation of firearms is because of some phobia of guns? It's perfectly reasonable to decide that we, as a society, do not typically require assault weapons or armor-piercing bullets for personal use.

    This is not the frontier days when the average citizen had to face wild animals, Native American attacks, and slave uprisings, and the typical home weapon was a breach-loaded rifle or pistol. This is not the time when law enforcement was in the hands of the people, and a standing army didn't exist. This is not the time when states still had organized militias. The gun culture today is radically different from the one the Second Amendment was written in, and to act like the desire to own a personal cache of military-style weaponry in some delusional need to be a one-person army was the will of the founders is revisionist absurdity. We need gun laws to reflect this society, not one 200 years ago.
    JackMolotov3's avatar
    "What makes you think the only reason one would restrict the proliferation of firearms is because of some phobia of guns?"
    because so far thats all I've seen.
    Trorbes's avatar
    That's all you've looked for, you mean.
    cya-l8r-sh1tl0rds's avatar
    That's not the US stepping up to the plate. The US stepping up to the plate would be protecting our 2nd ammendment, not weakening it.
    Read the second amendment- it doesn't mention guns. Government can regulate guns all it wants as long as it upholds a basic right to self protection by some other means. Fortunately our government is interested in protecting the lives of innocents, children- which obviously matters shit to you. Sorry fool the lives of innocent children being protected are more important than what you think the second amendment means.
    cya-l8r-sh1tl0rds's avatar
    I totally agree. Disarming a child's parents so that an armed criminal can come in and shoot him is a great idea. (/sarcasm)

    When did I ever say anything about wanting harm to come to children?
    sonrouge's avatar
    Vision's a nut who foams at the mouth when anyone speaks out in favor of something he doesn't like, so don't put too much stock into his words.
    Jeysie's avatar
    The 2nd Amendment says guns are only necessary for a well-regulated militia. So as long as we're allowed to own guns for the purpose of creating a well-regulated militia, we're good.